Hi everyone of indian sex stories dot net . Thanks for your kind feedback on the first part of the story. Its a great motivation for me. Everyone requested to post the part-2 asap, so I left everything else to complete this 2nd part. Those who haven’t read the first part yet, please do so now to enjoy this part. Any ladies who would like to have sex chat, phone sex or an nsa relationship may drop me an email at [email protected] You could also email me your feedback, comments or suggesstions at the same email id.
Please note that I have written many dialogues in hindi to keep the true spirit of intimacy that I was enjoying with sonia. I have tried to provide translation at most of the places except a few.
Ok, without any further ado, lets get started with the story.
As my phone rang, I picked up the phone with shaking fingers. The cleavage show sonia had just showed me, had left me excited as hell. As I answered the call, there was a beautiful voice coming from the other side.
Sonia(s)- hello
Rohan(r)- hello. Sonia ??
S- yes mr. Champu. This is me of course.
(she was in mood of fun)
R- hey. Dont call me champu.
S- haha. Looking at your condition I am thinking of calling you a super champu.
R- come on. Any guy would be shaken if he sees a show like that.
S- not if he is experienced. By the way, it was not a show. It was a teaser trailer for you mr. Teaser.
R- let me remind you that a trailer is played before the release of the full movie.
S- I think a trailer is enough for you mr. Champu.
R- hey, dont say that. You yourself said …
S- what ?
R- you said naa “Agar poore saamne aa gaye to kya hoga tumhara”
S- (with blushing voice) – I said that just to tease you. Forget about that.
R- no, I cant forget that. May be you just said it to tease me, but for me, it has built so much hope.
S- rohan, plz dont gather too many hopes. I am afraid I wont be able to live up to those. Lets keep being good friends please.
R- dont talk so serious sonia. We will see to that later. By the way, dont you think its time we should meet in person.
S- to be honest, even I was thinking of that but I was feeling shy in saying it.
(I was ecstatic to hear that …)
R- let us meet tomorrow then ?
S- hmmm … What time.
R- lets have lunch together. 12:30, pizza hut ?
S- no, 12:30 would be too late as I have to reach home by 1 pm before akshay comes from school. Lets meet at 11 am.
R- no problems. Which place ?
S- you know kormangla?
R- of course I know. In fact its close to my place as I am staying in jayanagar.
S- fine then. Tomorrow 11 am.
R- gr8
We hung up. I was having butterflies in my stomach. It was first time I was dating someone and that too a hot, married, rich lady 7 years older to me. I was nervous and excited as hell. She was offline and it was only 6:30 pm I.E. My meeting with this gorgeous bombshell was still 16 hours and 30 mins away. Every minute of time was feeling like an hour. I thought of messaging her and asking her to come online, but then I dropped the idea becoz showing too much anxiety or eagerness may turn her away. To kill time, I left for jayanagar 4th block market. Had an ice cream at cool-joint and then purchased a nice t-shirt and jeans for tomorrow’s meeting.
I came back around 9 am. My roomie asked me to have dinner but I was not feeling hungry at all. To pass time I tried to watch tv but my mind was just thinking abt her and our proposed meeting. My roomie slept at 12 and I switched off the tv and lights for him. I too tried to sleep but there was no sleep in my eyes.
Then around 12:30, I got an sms. It was her.
“So gye kya rohan” (slept rohan?)
I was overjoyed to see her mesg. I replied.
“Kya baat kr rhi ho. Mujhe to nhi lgta ki aaj mai so paunga” (I m sleepless)
S- kyun, kya hua. (wat happened)
R- mere pet me titliyan ud rahi hain !!
S- kya matlab ? (means ??)
R- I mean I am having butterflies in my stomach.
S- lol. Now I got it.
R- yeah, I know your english is better than hindi.
S- hmmm. Shall I tell you something ?
R- yes please.
S- even I am feeling sleepless.
R- why?
S- same reason. Butterflies in stomach.
R- can we talk on call ?
S- not now. Hubby sleeping just next to me.
R- this night is too long to pass sonia.
S- I know. But we hav no other option except waiting. They say naa- sabr ka fal meetha hota hai. (outcome of patience is sweet)
R- but I dont want meetha fal. I think the “Fal” I want is a little salty.
S- you nauty boy. How do you know its salty ?
R- I am not sure. I m just guessing. You tell me naa.
S- I dont know. Khud taste kr lena.
R- sachi ??
S- nahi jhutthi. Crazy boy.
R- please …
S- dekhenge (we’ll see). First tell me wat did you do in evening.
R- after talking to u, I was feeling so restless. Every minute was passing like an hour.
S- you know. I was expecting that you would call or at least mesg me. But you didnt.
R- I was feeling strong urge of calling or mesging you.
S- then why you didn’t ?
R- bcoz I thought you would feel I am a boy who has no control over my emotions.
S- oh poor boy. Why thinking so much. I wont have mind it at all.
R- well, you said you like man, not boys.
S- oh rohan, I didnt know I m putting so much pressure over you. I m sorry.
R- oh no. Dont be sorry. You are helping me shun my shyness and be a man.
S- well, tomorrow I will see if you are still shy or have you changed.
R- sure.
S- now lets try to sleep. Good night.
R- good night.
It was almost 1:30 now. I started reading a book to pass time and within a few minutes I started feeling sleepy. I think reading a book is best way to sleep if you are sleepless :).
Next morning I woke up around 9. I got freshen up and had some tea. Took bath, applied deo and some scent and got ready with my new clothes. Usually I take 10-15 minutes in getting ready but that day I took more than half an hour. It was a special day after all. At 10:30 I took an auto to kormangla and within 15 minutes I was there. It didnt take me long to search pizza hut. I entered in and sat on one corner table. There was not much crowd as it was just 11 am. I was waiting eagerly for her. A waiter came and ask me if I wanted to order but I said I was waiting for someone and will order later. He left and I checked my watch. It was 11:10. Suddenly main door opened and a lady in white salwar suit entered. Her hair were loose and she had black goggles on. She stopped for a while, shifted her goggles from eyes towards her forehead and started looking here and there as if she was trying to find someone. Yes. It was her. Sonia.
As she looked towards me, I waived my hand a little. She smiled, put her glasses back and came towards me. I stood up from my place and greeted her. We shook hands. She had amazingly soft hands. As both of us were standing, I could see her from close and my god, what a beauty she was. Her blonde loose hair had enhanced her beauty manyfolds. She had put light make up on. Her beautiful face was glowing like full moon. She had applied light lipstick on her lips. She was in white salwar suit which was of tight fitting. She was also wearing a dupatta which was covering her assets but still there hugeness was evident. Before I could see any lower below that, we sat in front of each other. We both had smile on our faces. I, however, was a bit nervous. We started talking –
S- you hav been waiting for long ?
R- nope. Just 20 mins.
S- sorry. There was a little traffic on my way
R- arey its ok. Dont bother.
S- thanks.
R- I want to say something.
S- yeah sure.
R- you are much more beautiful in real than on webcam. I have never seen such a gorgeous lady in my whole life.
S- (she blushed and her cheeks turned red) stop flattering me rohan.
R- I am not flattering. I am just speaking the truth. In fact I have no words to describe ur beauty.
S- (she gave a shy smile) ok enough baba.
R- okkk. Now tell me wat do you think abt me. Do I really look like a champu?
S-(she smiled) well, you are tall and handsome. Looking very smart in this jeans and t-shirt which you have bought for this occassion specially.
R- how do you know ?
S- because of this mr. Champu (she laughingly pointed to a tag on my t-shirt which I had forgotten to remove)
R- oh my god. How I forgot this. (I said removing the tag)
S- that is why I call you champu. You are so innocent and that is something I like most about you.
R- really ?
S- hmmm. So whenever I call you champu, its not only for teasing you but also because of my affection for your innocence.
R- thanks.
S- ok tell me, what will you eat.
R- I should be asking you this. Please choose from the menu.
S- you are indeed a decent guy. You know how to be caring towards ladies.
I smiled and thanked her. She selected 2 pizzas for us and we ordered the same. We talked about normal things and some light fun while having food.
After finishing the lunch we talked a little more. Then I said –
R- sonia, may I ask you something.
S- rohan, before you ask me anything, I want to tell you something.
R- sure.
S- I use name sonia for chatting only. Actually my name is nisha.
R- that is fine. But my name is rohan only. And I would prefer calling you sonia instead of nisha. I have developed an affection for name sonia.
S- (smiling) ok, as you please. Ask what you were asking.
R- sonia, you remember about the teaser trailer you showed me yesterday.
S- (she blushed heavily. Her cheeks turned red. She lowered her eyes) oh rohan, plz dnt talk abt dat now.
R- I m sorry (I kept quite as my mood is set off)
S- rohan, plz try to understand. We will talk on chat or over phone abt this.
R- why? Is there anyone listening to us here ?
S- no its not like that.
R- then ?
S- I feel shy talking to you face to face abt that.
R- (I smiled) arey, its me who is champu. Why r u being one. Please bolo naa.
S- (with smile and blush) ok ask ..
R- I told you that every movie has many trailers before release. When will another trailer be telecasted ?
S- there is no fix time. Its on director’s mood and audience’s luck. (she was blushing heavily and smiling)
R- I see. I think I have the capability of setting up the directors’s mood and of chaging my luck.
S- really ? No problems. Director will give you a chance of proving your skills in near future.
R- sachi ?
S- muchi !!
We both laughed at this.
S- its really so relaxing and fun talking to you rohan. Thanks for being with me.
R- pleasure is all mine.
(saying that I put my hand on her hand. She shyly looked at me and smiled. She didnt try to pull her hand away.)
R- dont worry. I will always be with you.
S- thanks.
After that she said, she need to go as its time for her son to come back from school. I paid the bill and wanted to leave along wth her. She said, she will go first and I should go later. I said- ok. We shook hands, smiled to each other and she said bye. She turned around and walked away. This was the time when I saw her huge ass. Her butts were swinging left and right as she walked. What a sight it was indeed. While opening the door, she again looked at me, waved her hand to me, smiled and left. After 5 mins, I too left pizza hut and took an auto to my room.
As the auto geared towards my place, I got a mesg from her.
“These 80 minutes were by far the sweetest 80 minutes of my life. You make me feel so special. Talking to you is so much fun. Thanks for everything my champu. Love.”
This message took me to 7th heaven. I was reading it agn n agn, specially the words “My champu”.
I replied-
“I am overjoyed to meet the most beautiful women under the sun. Its an honor that you feel good in my company. Would make sure that the director keep being in good mood and I keep being lucky with trailers”
After 5 mins she replied-
“Nauty boy. No more trailers”
I said –
“No more trailers means full movie is going to be released. I am excited as hell”
She replied-
“Hahaha. Abhi boht time h movie release hone me. Pta nhi hogi bhi ki nahi”.
(therz still long time to go. Not sure if movie would be released at all or not)
I said- we will see 🙂
After that I reached my room. I was very happy and confident after meeting her. I slept well and woke up around 6 pm.
I had some tea and checked if she was online. She wasn’t. So I msgd her.
“Good evng director 🙂 ”
Inmediately I got a reply –
“Wait rohan. Dnt sms or call until I do ”
I thought may be her hubby is around. So I didnt msg agn and took my books to study. 6 hours passed and there was no msg or call. I startrd to get worried and my heart sank with negative thoughts wondering what might be the matter. To my relief, around 12:30 am my phone rang. It was sonia.
R- hello
S- yeah rohan. Sorry, I was a bit busy.
R- its ok. I was wondering why u forbade me frm msgng. My heart was sinking.
S- bcoz my hubby was wth me. When you sent the msg, I was packing their stuff. My hubby and son just left for hyderabad to attend a family function there tomorrow. They will come back day after tomorrow.
R- so you are alone at home tonight ? (I said that with a nauty smile)
S- (she smiled back) naughty boy. Our maid stays wth us. So I am not alone.
R- ohhhh. Why you didnt go with them? Family functions are fun to attend.
S- you are right but I thought I could use this time better by staying back!
R- how ?
S- lets meet tomorrow.
(I was on heaven hearing this)
R- sure. At your home ?
S- are you mad ? No.
R- then where ?
S- you know cubbon park ?
R- I think I have seen it while travelling on bus but never visited it.
S- no probs. Its well known place. Any autowala will take you there.
R- what time
S- be there at 5:30 pm. Ok ?
R- sure.
S- gr8. See u then. Good night.
R- good night.
I was really happy and excited to hear that.
Next morning I woke up quite late. Had some tea and checked if she was online. She wasn’t. So I msgd her saying gud morning. Thr was no reply. Finally I called her. She answrd the call.
S- hello rohan. Hw r u.
R- I m fine. Msg ka reply kyun nhi kiya. ( why no reply to my msg )
S- sorry, I didnt see. I m busy wth factory work.
R- factory ??
S- yeah. We have a garments manufacturing unit naa. When hubby is away, I look after it.
R- ohhhh ok. The rich business woman you are.
S- hahaha. So, what else.
R- if you are busy, how will you come to park in evening.
S- don’t worry. I will manage. I am as keen to meet as you are.
R- ok madam. Got it.
S- good. See you in the park then.
R- sure.
We then hung up. Rest of the day passed as usual. I got ready by 4:30 and left for the park as I expected evening traffic and I was not wrong. It took me around 45 mins to reach cubbon park by auto.
I waited for 20 minutes outside the park and then she came. Today also she was in salwar suit, which was a bit loose than the one she was wearing yesterday. She had her black goggles on and her blonde hair were also open. She paid the auto guy and come towards me. She was looking stunningly beautiful and her one smile refreshed me. She came near me and said- “Lets go inside”
We went inside the park. There were many families and children were playing all around. I thought to myself- “It looks like a family place. Why have we come here.”
She looked at me and asked- “What happened”
I said- “Sonia, I think we should go to some other place. This is a family park”.
She smiled and held my hand, and said- “Keep walking, I know this place”.
I smiled back and kept going along. After walking for sometime, we reached a part of the park where there was not much crowd. There were many bamboo trees and with them there were many small raised hills of soil. On many such hills, couples were sitting and talking to each other. She took me to an isolated hill between many bamboo trees and then we sat there on that hill.
She said- now say, howz the place.
I smiled and said- this is indeed a nice place.
She was still holding my hand. I took her hand in my hands and said – “Your hands are smooth and soft as silk”
She smiled and gave her both hands in my hands. I took both of them into my hands and rubbed them a little. Then I said- “Can I kiss your hands. They are so lovely”
She didnt say anything. Looked at me with love and kept smiling. I knew it meant “Go ahead”
I was still holding her hands with mine. I brought her hands close to my mouth and planted a kiss on the back of her right hand. She closed her eyes and the look on her face was one that was full of emotions and excitement. I planted one more kiss on the left hand and she gave the similar response once again. Then I left her hands and looked at her. She looked back at me. Her eyes were shining and saying a lot many things. She was blushing and her cheeks had turned red. She was sitting besides me. Our thighs were touching each other. Then I moved forward my hand and touched her cheeks.
I said- “They are as soft as your hands. ”
She was getting more and more excited and so was I.
Then I looked at her lips and then into her eyes and said- “Therz something which I think is more soft and smooth than even your hands and cheeks.”
She knew I was talking abt her beautiful pink lips. She shyly smiled and kept looking into my eyes. I brought forward my hand, and with my 2 fingers I touched her beautiful lips. She felt a shock and shivered a bit. She closed her eyes. I touched her lips and then rolled my fingers from left to right and vice versa on her lips. That was the point she lost her control completely. She opened her mouth and took my fingers inside her mouth and slightly bit them and sucked them. This happened so quickly and so automatically that I could not even think of what is happening. Within a flash of second I brought my face near her face and in very next second, my lips were on her lips. We adjusted to face each other and hugged each other while our lips were still locked. My arms and hands were feeling her soft body as my lips sucked honey from her lips. We held each other tight and tilted our faces a bit to have a perfect smooch. And it was. So perfect. Our lips were locked, she was equally hot and responding with full passion. Our mouths opened and our tongues rolled onto each other. I was now tasting her saliva which was tasty beyond description. I held her tight and she was trying to get more and more into my mouth wth her lips. This french kiss longed for almost 10 minutes as none of us was ready to let go others’ lips.
We looked into each others eyes. She smiled and lowered her eyes with shyness, and then within no time we hugged each other tight again and locked our lips into another french kiss. I then placed my right hand on her breasts. She understood my intention and adjusted herself to give me easy access to her boobs. My hand slid under her suit and her bra. Oh my god. The feeling of touching her big boobs was too amazing to be described. I inserted my hand deep into her bra to get the hold of her left boob but her boob was so huge that it took me quite long to get hold of it. I pressed it softly and then hard. It was so big that it was impossible to hold it with one hand. While smooching her lips, I pressed her boobs and squeezed them hard. She was giving me all the access to her boobs but she wasnt ready to leave my lips. I pressed and fondled her both boobs one after another. Then I took her one nipple between my fingers and screwed it.
She screamed- uiiiii maaaaa !!!
She gave me a pat on the wrist and said – “Nauty boy, dont hurt me and gave a nauty smile”
After saying this she hold my head and brought my face towards her face and locked her lips with mine again as I continued to fondle and play wth her huge boobs. We were enjoying each other when suddenly we heard some noise and most of the couples started to leave the park. It was almost dark now and we also wrapped up quickly. I held her hand and we rushed towards the park gate. There were few people who had sticks in their hands and who were stopping the couples and questioning them. I quickly realized that they were goons from some so called cultural organization who blamed love birds for spoiling indian culture. Sonia got really scared and held me tightly. 3 goons rushed towards us and asked me my name. I quickly told us my name is puneet and offered them 200 rupees. Their leader signaled them to let us go and they did. We quickly ran to the gate and came out.
She said- ok rohan. It’s getting late. I need to go home quickly. We will talk on the phone. Bye.
She quickly sat in an auto, smiled, waved to me and left.
I also tried to find an auto but somehow no driver was ready to go to jayanagar. Luckily a bus was passing by and I took it. It was going to my place. I sat on the bus. After few minutes, I got a message from her.
“You are a sweet liar”
I replied –
“I have never lied to you about anything”
She said-
“Yes, you have. You said you never had a close relationship with any lady before. ”
I said-
“Yes, I said that and that is the truth. ”
She said-
“If it was true, how are your hands so experienced ??? How did you do everything so nicely ?”
I said –
“Really? I’m so happy to know that you felt good !!”
She said-
“Good??? You were awesome and so perfect in everything you did. I am wondering how someone can do this better on his first time. ”
I said –
“Thank you so much. You made my day. ”
She said –
“I should thank you. You know what, your lips are just out of this world. I felt that our kiss should go on forever. ”
I said –
“Then why did you break it away?”
She said-
“Bcoz of those idiot goons. Don’t know where did they come from. It was so scary. But hey, you handled the situation so well. I must confess, you behaved like a real man. ”
I said –
“Thanks”. So, I behaved like a real man just in front of those goons or even before ?”
She said-
“Of course even before that. You know how to love a woman. I think I have become ur fan. Wanna tell u something. ”
I said-
“Yes. Plz, tell me.”
She said-
“I love you”
I was in 7th heaven seeing that msg.
I replied-
“Love you too jaan. It’s an honor for me to be loved by the world’s most beautiful woman. ”
She said-
“Its lovely to be called “Jaan” by you.”
“Ok, I am abt to reach home. Will call you in a while. ”
I replied –
“Ok, I am also abt to reach. ”
I reached my room and got freshen up. I was changing my clothes when her phone rang.
R- hello
S- hi hero. Reached home?
R- yes. And you.
S- yeah I did. What are you doing?
R- nothing much. Just got freshen up. Now changing clothes.
S- wow. So you were in the middle of changing ur clothes and I called !!
R- yeah.
S- what are you wearing right now.
R- a vest and underwear.
S- omg. You are in ur undergarments.
R- hmmm. And you?
S- I am in a nighty.
R- ok. Let me also wear my lower and t-shirt.
S- noooo. Don’t wear anything. Remain in your undergarments. In fact, remove your vest as well.
R- are you sure?
S- yes. Do it now, please.
I removed my vest.
S- done?
R- yes. But this is unfair.
S- why? What is unfair?
R- I am in my underwear while you are wearing your nighty.
S- so ??
R- remove your nighty naa please.
S- rohan ..No, please.
R- please darling. You asked me to remove my vest and I did. Don’t I have any right over you.
S- but I am feeling very shy.
R- lock the door.
S- the door is already locked and I am lying on the bed. Feeling so shy in these clothes while talking to u.
R- but I can not see you.
S- so what. Talking to you itself is making me feel shy.
R- plz sonia. Remove naa.
There was silence for a while.
R- sonia?
S- hmmm
R- plz remove naa
S- removed baba.
R- oh god. So now you are lying there just in ur bra and panty.
S- hmm. I m feeling so shy rohan. Let me wear the nighty naa.
R- no way. I wana tell u smthng.
S- hmmm. Say
R- your saliva is the tastiest thing I have ever tasted. You know, I can still feel it on lips and tongue.
S- oh rohan. You are making me crazy by reminding those lovely moments.
R- so let us be crazy for a while darling.
S- did you enjoy playing wth my …
R- wth your … What?
S- you know what am I talking abt.
R- no, I don’t. Plz say clearly naa
S- bohat badmash ho tum. I am already lying here almost naked feeling so shy. Above it you want me to say it loud.
R- plz bolo naa.
She blushed and shyly she said-
S- did you enjoy playing wth my boobs !!
R- feeling ur boobs is the nicest warmest thing that ever occurred to me. You have a truly amazing pair of boobs jaan. So huge n soft yet so stiff n sexy. Whats ur size.
S- (with naughty smile) you guess.
R- hmmmm. 38.
S- not even close my pyare champu. Some day you measure urself.
R- you know, smooching ur lips and playing wth ur boobs has given so much relaxation to my mind and heart. Only one body part of mine has become restless.
S- (naughty smile) what is that?
R- it stays between my legs.
S- oh god. Shall I tell you something?
R- yes plz.
S- there is some restlessness between my legs as well.
R- oh god. I wanna ask u smthng. Answr honestly.
S- hmmmm
R- is it wet between ur legs?
S- oh rohan. Don’t ask such questions.
R- plz bolo naa.
S- yes. It’s so wet as if it’s raining. My panties are totally soaking.
R- haaye. I m feeling so thirsty after hearing this.
S- I have plenty to quench ur thirst. Come and drink as much as you want.
R- and what abt this restless guy between my legs.
S- haaye. Why don’t you set it free. Remove that damn underwear. Let him be free.
R- I have already done that. It’s not only set free, its throbbing and shaking with excitement as if sending salutes to you.
S- oh god. You are making me damn wet down there.
R- where is your hand.
S- haaye. Don’t even ask.
R- bolo naa.
S- aur kahan hoga yaar. It’s between my legs, inside my panty.
R- haaye haaye.
S- bohat gande ho tum. Poora haath geela ho gaya mera. It’s flowing like a river. Itni geeli kabhi nahi hui aaj se pehle.
R- and where is your other hand.
S- it’s inside my bra. I am doing what you did before.
R- what?
S- playing with my boobs.
R- haaye. Screw ur nipples naa.
S- aaaahhhh (she let out a scream as she pinched her nipples). Bohat badmash ho tum. Kya kya karwa rhe ho mujhse.
R- remove your bra and panties naa jaan.
S- oh god. No ….
R- plz jaan. I am lying naked here naa.
S- oh rohan noooo ..
R- tumhe meri kasam.
(for one min she didnt reply)
R- kya hua jaan.
S- utaar di. Lying totally naked here now. You will kill me with excitement today it seems. Feeling so shy.
R- haaye. Feeling like joining you on that bed.
S- haaye. Aa jao naa phir. I m feeling so shy naked. Cover me with a sheet.
R- first do something for this poor guy. He is sending 21 salutes to you.
S- haaye rohan. Close ur eyes. Think of me lying naked here, holding ur dick.
R- in india we don’t have dick or cock or penis.
S- oh god. No. Not in hindi rohan.
R- please.
S- haaye. Hold ur lund wth ur hands and think that I am holding it in my soft hands.
R- oh I can see you with my eyes closed. You look so damn hot without clothes.
S- stroke ur lund and think I am stroking it.
R- haaye. U too close ur eyes. Spread ur legs. Put ur fingers on ur pussy and think that it’s me.
S- pussy ?!? No english.
(I was thrilled to see that she herself wanted to talk dirty)
R- haaye. Touch ur choot jaan and think that I am touching it.
S- haaye. Kaisi lgi tumhe meri choot ? (how do you think is my pussy)
R- haaye meri jaan. Isse khubsurat choot duniya me kisi ki ho hi nhi sakti. (no one has a more beautiful pussy than urs)
S- haaye. To meri choot me ungli daal ke rub kro naa mere clitoris ko. Aur ek haath se mere mummon ko dabao.
R- ek haath me to aayenge bhi nahi.
S- nhi abhi ek hi haath se dabao. Jo haath meri choot pe hai, use mat hatana. Baad me pyar kar lena inhe dono haathon se.
R- jaan, let me pinch ur nipples.
S- bite them hard naa.
R- of course jaan. Acha ye batao, mera lund kaisa lga
S- ufffff. Mujhe to apna diwana bana diya h isne. Stroke kro naa tez tez.
R- aah aahhh. Tum bhi apni choot ko rub kro jaan.
S- kar rhi hun. Aahhhh. Clitoris ko rub krte hue apni chuchiyon(boobs) ko bhi masal rhi hun.
R- aah aah sonia. Aah aahh. Failao apni choot ko aur. Masal daalo apne clit ko. Fondle ur boobs.
S- oh rohan. Aah aah aah. Kitna maza aa rha h. Kaash tum khud meri choot ko masalte. Aah aah
R- maslunga jaan, bohat jaldi.
S- haaye lund ko tez tez stroke krke mujhe uski aawaz sunao naa.
Maine tez tez apne lund ko stroke kiya aur phone ko lund ke paas rakhke use sunaya.
S- oh rohan I m going mad. Haaye kitna mza aayega jb tumhara ye sexy lund mere haathon me hoga.
R- tum bhi sunao naa apni choot ki aawaz.
Usne apni ek ungli choot me daalkar tez tez use andar bahar kiya. Wo aawaz sunke mai to pagal ho gya. Hum dono ne phone ke speakers on kiye aur ek doosre ko aawaz sunate rahe masturbate krte hue. Our rooms were echoing with our loud moans. After 5 minutes I was feeling like cumming and so was she.
S- aah aahhh rohan. Mujhse nhi rha ja rha. Aahhh aaahhh I m cumming. I m cumming.
R- yeah. I m also cumming sonia. Aaaah aaahhh aahhhh.
S- “Oh god rohan. Aaahhh aaahhh. I m cumming I m cumming ..”
R- “Aaaahhhh aaaahhhh aaaaahhh … Sonia … Aaah aaah. Aahhhhhhhhhh”
I came heavily and moaned – soniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
S- “Yes rohan yes. Cumm hard. Give me all of that white thick cream. Aaahhhhhhhhh”
R- “Oh jaan …Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh”
S- “Aaaahhhh aaahhhh. Rohan, I am also cumming. Aaaaaaahhhhhh aaaaaahhhh aaaahhhhhh aaahhhhh. Ohhhhhh rohan aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh ….”
R- ” yes jaan yessssss. Cumm jaan cumm.”
She moaned and came very heavily and it was evident from her breath.
Her moans and breath became normal only after 5 minutes.
S- “Oh god. That was an experience. ”
R- yeah.
S- you know, I hav never came this fast ever in my life. You aroused me so much.
R- did you enjoy the orgasm jaan.
S- oh rohan dont use such words now plz.
R- plz. Tell me naa
S- yes I did cumm. It was wonderful. The best orgasm I have ever had. Bohat hi zyada maza aaya sach. I never knew sex over phone could be so pleasurable.
R- same here jaan. You are wonderful. Love you so much.
S- love you too. Wait a sec. Let me wear my clothes.
R- why jaan. Aise hi lete lete baat kro naa.
S- no rohan. Is tarah lete lete tumse baat krte hue mujhe boht sharm aa rhi hai.
R- kyun, is waqt agar mai tumhare paas hota tab bhi kapde pehan leti kya?
S- haaye. Tab kyun pehanti. Tab to tumhe hi apne badan se lipta ke soti naa. Kitni achi neend aayegi pyar krne ke baad tumse lipat ke tumhari baahon me soungi jab.
R- haaye. Even I am waiting for the day when we will sleep together naked in each others arms.
S- I hope our wait gets over soon.
R- love you so much jaan.
S- love you too janu. Lets sleep now.
R- ok sweetheart. Have a nice sleep. Sweet dreams.
S- you too janu. Swt dreams. Good night.
R- good night jaan.
That is the end of part-2. In the next part, I will share with you how we met many times at different places before finally sleeping together. I would love to hear your feedback guys. Please email me your feedback, comments and suggestions at [email protected]