My son, sagar was, and still is, a good cricket-
player. My wife aparna and I used to go with him to every game he played.
Usually he went with his teammates in a bus while we trailed along in our
This time it was to be a little different. The team had made it to the
finals in the Cup and it was to be played in a big city were there was an
amusement park. We decided that we would spend the afternoon and evening
there, which we all agreed sounded like fun.
The game went well, our son’s team won and we were in high spirits as we
entered the park where we spent the rest of the day riding various machines
that hurled you hither and dither, up and down and so forth. We all had a
great meal at one of the restaurants there, with a little glass of wine for
sagar as well, before we started for home.
After we finished our meal, my wife and I got into an argument and she had a too much of beer aparna and I were silent but sagar went on and on about the good time he’d had and didn’t seem to notice his mother’s sulking or my silence. When I took a closer look in the rearview mirror, I could understand why.
Aparna had slid one leg behind his back and thrown the other over his lap,
where she slumped sleeping in the corner of the dark car. I could clearly
see all the way up her thighs to the beginning of the white crotch of her
panties. aparna doesn’t shave her pussy so there was a lot of hair sticking
out of the leg bands of her panties. Our son was looking intently at them,
and I’d bet he had acquired a raging hard-on looking at his mother!
Suddenly I saw that he had one hand on her knee, stroking it in circular
movements. Where had he learned that? However, it sure was doing what he
wanted it to do. aparna’s legs slowly started to fall further and further
apart, widening the gap between her thighs, giving us a much better view of
her crotch. By now I had slowed down until I was driving at a mere fifty
kilometers an hour but sagar didn’t even notice; this was the kid who
always begged me to drive faster!
I realized that I sat there, driving with a hard-on while watching my son
fondle his mother! While I watched his hand start to creep farther up her
thigh, I could feel the first drop of precum wet my boxers. Would he go all
the way up to her pussy? Would she wake up? And if so, what would I do?
What should I do? I decided to do nothing, for the time being at least.
Glancing occasionally at the road, I had my eyes glued at the scene in the
back and watched my son’s hand inch slowly up my wife’s leg; up to the
crotch of her panties, knowing from experience how easily my wife’s sexual
fire ignited once you touched her pussy. I just waited for that to happen!
And it did. My son’s finger sneaked inside the leg band, grabbing a quick
feel of his mother’s vagina before he jerked the hand away, all the way
back down to her knee. The feel was so quick and brief that I doubt that aparna even noticed it.
I rather think she didn’t, considering her drunken state.
He shot a quick glance at me to see if I had observed what he had done.
Pretending not to notice, I reached for the radio and turned it on. Soon
soft music filled the car. sagar seemed to take my fiddling with the radio
as a sign that I hadn’t noticed anything and soon his hand again started to
stroke up his mother’s leg. This time he reached his goal much faster and,
without any preliminaries, he pushed a finger inside the leg band, directly
onto his mother’s cunt lips!
As I mentioned, my wife gets really hot once you’ve got your hand on her
pussy. It’s as if she no longer had control over her own feelings and, I
doubt, over her own moral standards. and I have often thought that she’d
would fuck anybody who had her pussy in his hand, and now it seemed as
though my assumptions was were verified. Her hips started to move in slow
rhythm as our son stroked her pussy. I almost moaned out aloud when her
hips shot up very abruptly. I understood that my son had stuck a finger
inside her cunt! I envied him the feeling! I knew that he could slide his
finger inside her without any difficulty; knew that she was would be well
lubricated by now.
Mesmerized, I watched as my son reached for his fly, unzipping it and
taking out his stiff almost fifteen year old cock and stroking it in rhythm
with his fingers working in and out of his mothers cunt! Suddenly he bent
at his hips, pointed his cock at aparna’s crotch and a load of sperm just
flew out, covering the white cotton panties covering my wife’s cunt! A low
moan escaped his lips as the first load hit his mother and he had enough
sense to look over at me to see if I had noticed. I was prepared for this
and had my eyes on the road, but I watched him from the corner of my eyes.
Satisfied for the moment, he let go of his cock, and reached over and
pulled the covering gusset away. and Now he could see his own mother’s cunt for the first time in his life! The big, protruding lips glistening with
her juices and his finger buried up to the second knuckle in it.
In the narrow screen of the mirror, I could see that his cock hadn’t
deflated in the least and, when he turned so he faced aparna, I
wondered what he was up to. I didn’t have to wonder for long. He scooted his hips forward and, with an effort, the tip of his cock made contact with his mothers sex!
He withdrew his finger so he could enjoy the feeling of a pussy touching
his cock for the first time!
As aparna felt the finger withdraw, she grunted a little ‘Miss-pleased’
sounding grunt and forced her hips up and forward and, to my son’s
surprise, her pussy was open enough for his cock to slip in so that the its
bulbous head was all the way inside the her wet cunt. He froze again at
this feeling, but soon enough he took advantage of the situation that
actually wasn’t his doing, and started to fuck her! Once, when he got too
eager, the his cock slipped out and both of them groaned in frustration. My
wife bent her knees so that she came slid deeper down in the seat, making
it easier for my son to get his cock in place position for penetration
again. and Soon almost half of his cock was again buried in my wife! It
didn’t take him long to shoot his virgin load in a woman’s cunt… and the
fact that it was his mother’s didn’t seem to matter to him at this moment.
By now the smell of sex was heavy in the confined space of the car but I
didn’t want to open a window. I just enjoyed the smell! Enjoyed the
squelching sounds of my wife’s wet cunt receiving another a cock other than
mine, and a load of hot sperm other than mine. sagar, being a novice to
this, of course didn’t know that I could smell his mother’s fragrance and
he was too involved in the fuck to realize that I could hear the wet,
slapping sounds of his cock’s pumping in his mother’s cunt.
This time sagar was longer in cumming than the two previous times but it
still wasn’t much more than two or three minutes before he came in his
mother’s pussy for the second time. and After that, he seemed content for
the time being.
As soon as he had his cock back inside his pants and had covered his
mother’s newly fucked pussy with her panties and saree, I turned to him.
“I don’t think I can make it all the way home tonight. Why don’t we stay
over at the motel we just passed?” I asked innocently, as I turned around
and drove the couple of kilometers back to the motel. “Try to wake your
mother while I get us a room, will you?”
I went to the motel office and got us a double room. and, When I came back,
aparna was still asleep in her corner of the backseat.
“I can’t wake her, Dad. She’s passed out.”
I couldn’t trace detect any accusation in his voice about of his mother’s
being drunk and unconscious but I decided that I would have a talk with him
later about this.
“OK. You’ll have to help me get her into bed than,” I replied.
We were lucky that aparna
was a petite woman because even the mere fifty some
kilos of this unconscious woman was hard to handle. sagar, who had taken
the her legs part, had less difficulty than me, who had to cope with her
arms and, although I had my hands crossed over her tits and her armpits on
my upper arms, they seemed to want to slip away like an eel you try to hold
in your hand.
Once we managed to get her into the room and onto the bed, and sagar stood
back and looked around, a puzzled look on his face.
“Oh, they only had one vacant room so we’ll have to make do with one bed.
Come on, help me get your mother undressed,” I told him
After one long look at me, he eagerly stepped up to the bed. He stood still
for a while and just looked at her, and then he looked up at me with a
question in his eyes.
“Why don’t we start at the top and work down,” I suggested? “You know this
isn’t like your mother at all. I
think it is the first time ever that I
have seen her like this.”
“I know dad. She’s the best.”
“Yes I know you think so,” I smiled. I couldn’t stop myself from a little
Slowly we got aparna naked on the bed and I pretended that I didn’t see that
her panties were wet. and looked at I watched sagar from the corners of my
eyes as he enjoyed the sight of his naked mother. His eyes flicked over her
body in quick sweeping glances from head to toe … or rather from tits to
“Why don’t you touch her?” I asked.
My son took a step back, looking at me with a haunted gleam in his eyes.
“Oh I saw you in the rearview-mirror. Take it easy,” I quickly added as it
looked as if he was going to run away; heaven knows what he would have done
“No, I’m not mad, I thought about it while I watched you. I think you are
the solution to our, your mother’s
and my, problems. You see, I have to
work a lot longer and harder and more now that I have reached the top of
the company. I know you’ve noticed me being absent a lot in the last year
or so. I don’t want to burden you with adult worries, just let me say
I saw that while I talked the desperate look in my son’s eyes disappeared
faded and instead I saw that he was now paying full attention to what I had
to say.
“You see, both your mother and I have very high sex drives, or I used to
have. Lately I just fall asleep when I hit the sack and your mother is
usually all worked up and fully rested. She want’s to take a part-time job
and that would have been OK with me if it wasn’t fore all the… Oh shit,
let me put it bluntly, she’s all worked up and horny and I’m afraid that
she would find herself involved with a workmate sooner or later. and
Nowadays you don’t know what you could get from an
affair. So it gives us
double many advantages. Your mother gets her needs seen to, you get safe
sex and I don’t have to worry about either of you two. So … What do you
My son looked at me and slowly his head started to drop. “I-I-m sorry, dad.
I don’t know what… I don’t…”
“It’s OK. I said so and I mean so it. Every boy has a dream about his
mother. Usually it passes without anything happening. I know mine did.
Yours didn’t. But maybe you have fulfilled your dream already…”
“No!” sagar interrupted me. “No, it isn’t. I would love it! But what about
mom? How can we get her to accept me? As her… lover,” he added a little
“We have to gamble a little. But I don’t think it’s a big risk. Your mother
is a very adaptable woman and she loves you very much.”
“Mhm, me too, but…”
“Wait, I’ll tell you a secret, and this is part of why I don’t trust her
with other
men outside home. Well, OK here it comes. Once you get your hand
on your mother’s vagina she’s gone!”
“Yes. She just can’t seem to resist, can’t refuse you, all her rational
thinking goes down the drains and it all go from there!”
“Oh. I see. Oh I see!!! You mean that once she’s awakes, before she’s fully
awake, I get my hand on her… her vagina and…”
“So we have to wait till morning then?” I could hear the disappointment in
his voice.
“No. This is the bit that almost certainly will make this gamble into
something that is only a little risky. We have to fill her with cum!”
“Yes. Maybe she’ll think that she was the instigator and that she’s to
blame. I only hope that she takes it the right way and doesn’t get too
guilty about it. You are, after all, her son and it isn’t exactly something
that happens every day that a mother and son becomes
At this my son’s eyes left me and flicked over to his mother who was laying
on the bed with her legs a little spread, enough for us to see the two big
pussy lips peeking out through the rather thick forest of medium brown hair
like an animal sniffing the air for danger, only these were sniffing for
something totally different!
“I’ll use the bathroom first. I just hope there are toothbrushes there. Oh,
and don’t start anything before I come back. Just enjoy the view for the
time being,” I added over my shoulder as I disappeared.
There were toothbrushes and soap and, after a quick piss and a wash, I was
back in the room, stark naked.
“Your turn,” I said and my son disappeared into the bathroom.
He was back very soon, now just as naked as I. and Normally I would have
chastised him for his sloppiness but tonight I understood why he had
hastened through it. I too was eager to
commence. It was, after all, not
every day a man got to see his wife being fucked by another man! Well, in
this case the man was a boy, but anyway…
“OK, here’s what we’re gonna do. First of all, I think I have to show you
how your mother want’s to be caressed for relaxation, that’s not the same
as getting her hot; first she want’s to be relaxed, and then she want’s to
get aroused. You can always get a quickie out of it by just bluntly putting
your hand on her pussy and a finger or two in her cunt. But that is not
what I want, and I hope that you don’t either.”
“Good. A light kiss with a little tongue, not too much, is a good start.” I
demonstrated this to my son by kissing his mother lightly on her lips and I
let my tongue brush over her dry, half-open lips.
“After that, a little kissing on her throat and, if possible, a nibble on
her earlobe. Usually she’s squirming a little
by then so this could be
difficult, but if so, just continue kissing her down over her chest. Suck
lightly on her nipples, like this.”
I demonstrated all my words by acting them out so there were slight pauses
between them. I was a little surprised, but not much, when I felt the
nipple stiffen when my lips closed around it. aparna’s nipples, as well as
all the other erogenous zones, are very sensitive to stimulation. Not as
much as her cunt though.
As I said before, once you get your hand on her pussy lips, she’s totally
wasted. At that point there is no more resistance left in her. It’s all go
from there. I didn’t notice it when we first dated. Her adamant refusal to
let me touch her below the waist I thought was a mere attempt to preserve
her virginity till our wedding night and since she willingly gave me hand
jobs whenever we petted, I had nothing to complain about. She even gave me
blowjob once in a while.
On our wedding night she was hot and willing and, as soon as I got my hand
between her legs and cupped her hairy cunt in my hand, she gave up and just
lay still – that is till I got a finger inside her. Then her hips shot up
and soon she was rocking her pussy along my finger, moaning and mewing. I
found this so erotic that I continued fingering her till she begged me to
fuck her! I was willing and obeyed her and she was off like a rocket on New
Years Eve! She came as soon as I had half of my cock inside her very, very
tight pussy. There was no membrane that needed to be broken. Later she
confessed to me that her finger had done that for her and that she’d never
had had anything bigger than her own middle finger inside her.
The quick orgasms slowed down a little for every year we were married but
she always came with rippling orgasms once she started, one after the other
in rapid successions. It added an extra dimension to our lovemaking since
her pussy’s milking my cock was so wonderful and intense that I, during
fourteen years of marriage, never once was tempted to even flirt with
another woman.
When my tutoring tour I reached her lower belly on, my wife’s stomach
muscles tensed, also as usua.l and When my lips brushed over her pussy
lips, her legs fell out open a little more. At this point I stopped and
gestured to our son that it was his turn.
He repeated every one of my actions and added a little more by letting his
tongue slip down into the deep hole of her navel. When he had brushed his
lips over his mother’s pussy lips, he added yet another thing, he inhaled
deeply! Smelling Inhaling his mother’s smell from the source for the first
time! After that he gave the hairy cunt a long look, and then dipped down
and drew his tongue along the crinkled swollen
outer lips. His mother’s
hips flew up, taking him by surprise. He almost jumped back but stopped in
his movements and only lifted his head, and looking up at his mother’s
sleeping face. It had changed a little since we last looked at it. Now her
lips were parted and her teeth were biting her lower lip.
“It’s OK, she’s still out,” I whispered, encouraging our son. “I think it’s
best if you fuck her first. My cock is still bigger than yours and if I
would do her first you would get hardly any friction.”
Eagerly our son positioned himself for getting his cock inside his mother’s
pussy for the second time this night. and Soon he was deep inside her and
the sparse hair surrounding his cock was nestled with aparna’s thick growth.
and Then he started to pump into her in earnest!
“Wait! Wait!” I exclaimed. “Take it easy. It’s just as like playing soccer.
It lasts more than just one half. You have to
keep up till make sure the
woman cums first. Then it is time for your own pleasure. Remember that the
women have to have at least one orgasm before you cum. I know it is
impossible just now, you’re probably going to cum any moment now, but
remember it for later…”
sagar had stopped, with his cock still deep inside his mother’s cunt,
while he listened to my advice. and After that he again started to fuck
her, this time in long, and slow motions strokes and it lasted which
continued for almost three minutes! Then he shot his load into his mother
with a grunting noise and fell down collapsed on top of her, and then
slowly he rolled over and off her. and As I looked down at my wife’s pussy,
I saw it squeeze out some of our son’s sperm and watched as it ran down to
the crack of her ass, and then continued down onto the sheet. I just had to
get inside her before all of that wetness had ran out of
I got in slipped between her legs and, with one thrust, I was buried in her
cunt hot, very wet cunt. and To my surprise, it just clamped down on my
cock with a force that I hadn’t felt since our honeymoon! And three or four
strokes later it happened again! A rippling along my cockshaft announced
another climax and, sure enough, at the next inward grinding her cunt again
spasmed around my cock. and After that she gave up all her pretenses and
flung her legs up, and locking them behind my ass in her favorite grip! Her
eyes opened and she looked me in the eyes and smiled at me. A happy smile.
A smile full of fulfillment and happiness.
“Thank you,” she mouth before she again closed her eyes and gave herself
away to the fuck. Her strong pussy-muscles soon, all too soon, forced the
my own orgasm. out of and My load shot out of my cock with a force that
surprised me … and must have surprised my
wife too because her eyes flew
“Oh my god! I can feel it! I can feel it! It’s been so long! So long!”
As soon as my orgasm had subsided, she pushed me away gently and reached
for our son. “Come to mummy. Come,” she whispered and our son willingly
climbed aboard.
Three hours later we all seemed to be satisfied and I was the last to fuck
her. sagar was already snoring softly on her other side as I drifted off
to sleep. and The last I heard was when she murmured, to no one in
particular. “Well, I know two things; first of all I aint to be blamed and
I will have more than one hell of a headache tomorrow!”
Then, almost as an afterthought, aparna murmured once more, to the room in
general before she fell asleep, “I think I’m gonna ache in at least one
more place than in my head tomorrow.”
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