I know what people think of online relationships. They are frivolous, short-lived, non-serious. But i have had many real life relationships that are like that. Just when you think you have found the one, she turns into a no one. People have personalities and they remain the same online and offline. If you are the committed one, you remain that no matter whether your significant other is in front of you or not. Whether it’s online or offline.
She was a keeper. I met her online. Over two years, we fell in love with each other. But we could never meet. There was a small problem of us being in different countries. Countries that hated each other. Countries which would not give you a visa easily. I could not even apply for one. After all, it isn’t easy to go tell your family that you are going touring to Pakistan. Especially if you are an Indian. So we were stuck. So much in love but couldn’t meet. And she was going to get married the next year. All seemed dark.
Let us give her a name first. Let’s say her name was Ayesha (she told me it is the most common name back in her country). She had the face of an angel. She was 23, I was a bit older.
Suddenly lady luck smiled on us. Her dad got a job in one of the gulf countries. He went there and it meant two things: her marriage got postponed a bit and we could talk more. Talk more because her dad was really strict. He had restricted internet usage to his daughters (it doesn’t help your case when you just have 2 beautiful young daughters). Now that he was gone and he needed to connect to his family, she had unrestricted internet usage.
We have been talking about video chatting for a while now. She was too shy to do it. She turned her webcam on once but was too shy to come in front of the camera. She just waved her hand. The webcam was the nearest we would come to meet each other. At least for the time being.
ONe good thing that happened over time was that we started talking face to face over the webcam. The internet in her country is not great by any means. neither was her web camera. But looking at her was the best thing that happened to me all week. She would talk to me on Fridays. Fridays when most of the members of her extended family were busy in religious matters. Religion! Now that was another barrier that we had. In fact, that was the bigger of the two. There are many Indian Pakistani pairs in both countries, I don’t know any that is inter-religious. She was obviously a Muslim, I wasn’t. I was raised a Hindu but grew up as an atheist. She was a firm believer in God. That is besides the point though. We weren’t even meeting ever! Or were we?
The next summer, something incredible happened. Dad took them with him to the Middle East. A place with fewer relatives, more freedon and much milder visa norms. In fact, I could have got a visa any day I wished. But it was not to be. My company offered to send me to Seattle and as an Indian guy trying to get rid of his education load as soon as possible I accepted. I was there for two years. I went home twice in that duration. Every time, I took a flight that had a stopover at her place. Twice we met at the airport. Twice i wanted to never leave the airport.
The first time I saw her was mesmerizing. I have seen her on the camera alright but the camera didn’t do justice to her. Here she was, all 5’8” of her, in front of me. She looked at me for a split second and looked away. I thought we would be very comfortable in each others’ presence. It was not to be. We spent a good 10 minutes looking sideways and into our phone screens, talking awkwardly. It has never happened to me in my life. Not when I had to ask my first crush out, not when I tried to woo the cute European exchange student. But it was happening now and i knew something was different. Something was too good to be true.
The nerves finally settled a bit. We continued talking about totally random stuff but we were looking at each other while talking. She had the most incredible blue eyes you will ever see. Her face slowly returned to its original color after being flushed red just as out eyes met each other for the first time. Her face was flawless. I do not know how to go lyrical about a woman’s face but there was not one thing that i did not like about it and it wasn’t only because i was smitten by her. She was beautiful as a dream. I know all love stories sound better when the lead characters are very beautiful. In my defense, I fell for her without even seeing her. I wouldn’t have loved her less if she looked different. That she was an absolute stunner was a surprise I did not mind. So we talked and said goodbyes. Just like that. Without even giving each other a hug. When she knew i had to leave in 5 minutes, she held my hand. It must be for a maximum of 10 seconds but when she did so i could see the pain in her eyes. I knew she wanted to say a lot of things but she wanted me to understand by just looking at her. I think i did.
I forgot to mention that during this time we started talking over the phone. We talked a lot for our situation. Like 20 minutes a day. We would talk about everything. About her family, her studies, her job, my life in Seattle, family back home, our interests and even TV shows. However, we never had romantic talks. Never. Not even once. The most she said was that she wants to hug me tight. I tried talking like twice but she immediately diverted the topic to something else. I tried because sometimes i felt too strongly for her. I wanted her to be close to me. Really close. Anyway, I took the hint and never tried again. It was perhaps the environment she was bought up in. The values she lived with did not allow her to be openly romantic. I knew it. We have a similar culture back home. After all, it has barely been 6 decades wince we became two separate countries.
This might seem to be a boring story for this site but I don’t think i should miss any part of it. I have planned on writing this. I am just writing whatever is coming to my mind.
So her dad did not care as much now as they were in a different country. She was free to have friends and roam around on her own. She completed her diploma in the meanwhile and got a job in one of the leading retailers in the region. I came back home in April that year. I booked a ticket to her place for May. I had never been so excited to meet someone in my life. In fact, I have never been so excited ever in the anticipation of anything. Not even on the day i lost my virginity (which, you would agree, is pretty damn exciting for a horny teenager). But it was not to be.
Her company acted as a franchise for numerous western retailers all over the Middle East. She being a fresher, was in charge of the operations for one of smaller brands which only had a couple of outlets. It so happened that the sales of these stores were not so great and the parent company decided that the reason for that happening was the employees not being aligned to the culture and philosophy of the company. They decided to have formal training sessions for the employees. But instead of sending trainers to the Middle East, they thought it to be much more viable and fruitful for the employees to visit some well performing stores. That meant travel. That meant travel to India. That meant travel to Mumbai. That meant she was coming where i lived..
I did not believe it till the very end. It was too good to be true. I knew there was a cancellation, a problem, just round the corner. Turned out there were none. Turned out she landed in Mumbai on April 30th 2015. She and 3 of her colleagues: two men and a girl. There was 6 days of formal training and another 6 days of on the job training. I thought I could meet her when she was in a store for the on the job training but she being in operations meant she was to be at the warehouse for most of the duration and that was out of bounds for me. It looked as if we were so near yet so far.
I still met her twice everyday for the first three days. Her roommate was always with her. She waited for her while we just talked or just looked at each other for 10 minutes. Her schedule was rigorous. She would hardly get time during the day and was dropped to the hotel by 8 in the night. To make matters worse, we Indians (or shall i say desis?) have this annoying habit of mixing our personal and professional lives. All her colleagues knew her family and she was too scared of them seeing her with me. Her dad had mellowed down but trust me no desi dad mellows down to the extent of inter country inter religion relationships.
I met her on Friday morning but not in the evening. Because i wanted to watch football. We Indians are fascinated by football like most of the world. But we are ranked like 170th in the wolrd so we resort ot watching foriegn league for the craving high quality play. We have huge fan bases for most of the famous clubs in England, Spain, Germany and Italy. Sorry to digress; to cut a long story short, i went to a pub with couple of my friends to watch, Eden Hazard scored a first half penalty, Chelsea beat Palace and were crowned the champions of English Premier league. We drank a few more beers to celebrate, called a cab and I reached home around midnight.
There was a note on the door which said “called me”. No names, nothing. Just the two words. I knew it had to be her. I am not used to finding notes on my door. I could not think of anyone else who would do that. But that means she had bee here! To my home! and i was busy watching football. She would be very angry and disappointed. But she surely could have told me? or maybe it was someone else. I hastily unlocked the door, put the phone on charge and dialled her number as soon as it turned on. She picked it up on the first ring.
“Where are you?”
“I am home but did you leave a note at my door? Did you come here?”
Click. It got disconnected. I called. She disconnected again. It happened 3-4 times. This was a first. She had never ever reacted to anything like this before. But then she had never walked up to my house to find it locked and my phone being switched off before. I searched for the numbers to her hotel. I did not know her room number but i was sure i could coax the receptionist into connecting me to her at midnight. It was when i was copying the number to paste in the dailer that my door opened and she walked in.
I will cut short the drama that ensued. In short, she had come to my place and was waiting by the pool for me to come back. She said she would have waited all night if she had to. Her roommate obviously figured out what was going on between the two of us and asked her to spend more time with me. She would cover up for her over the weekend. So she was going to stay with me? for two full days? No, she said. For the next 8 days!
She changed into her night clothes, I made a couple of cups of tea and we sat outside in the balcony, talking. Now Mumbai in the month of May is not very pleasant and sitting in the balcony is tolerable for like 10 minutes. You sipping hot tea doesn’t help. We soon returned to the comfort of air conditioning and sat on the bed. I had planned to just crash as soon as i reach home (a few beers can make you crave for sleep) but sleep was miles away from me. I felt surreal. i have imagined this happening several times but the belief that it might happen one day was minuscule. We finished our tea and i carried the cups over to the kitchen to put them in the sink.
When i was returning, she was standing on the bedroom door. I gave her a quizzical look and made a questioning gesture with my hands. Without warning, she flung herself on to me and hugged me as tightly as she could. I could feel her fists clenching behind my back as she clung on to me. I could not hear her breathe. I slowly secured her into my arms and pressed her against me. It was then that she let out a breath, which sounded like a sigh of relief, one you see in the movies when the dust settles and the onlookers realize that Batman is safe.
I don’t know how long the hug lasted; must have been an eternity. “I can’t tell you how badly i have waited for this for years”, she said.
“But i thought you were too shy to even hold my hand”, I whispered, struggling for words.
“i am not so strong that i am alone with you and I stop myself from hugging you”, she said, still holding on to me though not so tightly. Her face was resting on my chest all this while. She never moved to look at me while we talked. She slowly eased up, her hands slowly moving to my waist as she moved.
Then, she looked at me. I could not take my eyes away from hers for a second. For a change, she couldn’t either. We kept standing there for a while without a word being said: her hands on my waist, my hands on hers, our bodies just an inch away from each other except for just the tip of her breasts rubbing into my chest as she inhaled. “I love you”. We said that almost simultaneously and she hugged me again, this time not as tightly as before. She gave a gentle kiss on the neck and repeated the words in my ear. My entire body almost shivered and i could see the happiness, the relief and the ecstasy grip every sense of mine, like an orgasm. I could not feel anything else. I was lost into the words being spoken into my ears.
Then she let go and made herself sit on the bed. I was still standing in front of her and her hands were holding both my hands. She slowly made me lie down on the bed, climbed on it herself and snuggled up to me: i lay on my back, one of her hands on my chest and one of her legs over my legs; she made a pillow of my hand. I slowly turned towards her and wrapped my arm around her with my other arm rested under her head. I could feel her breath on my neck. She had closed her eyes. She said she loved me once more. I kept looking at one side of her pretty face for as long as i was awake. Then i slept off..
When i woke up she was gone from my side. As i turned around to get up i saw her sitting on the bedside chair looking at me. She was sitting with her elbows on her legs, smiling, almost laughing as she looked at me. Just then my phone rang. She told me at had been ringing for a while now. As was the custom, it was my mother who invariably calls me on Saturday mornings. Probably to see if i am in too much of a hangover from Friday night. I am not sure but that seems to be the only plausible reason. As soon as I finished talking, Ayesha took my phone and pressed the power button till it switched off. It was her way of saying that no time is to be given to anyone else till she was there.
We cooked (mostly she did), ate and decided to roam around the city for a bit. I was waiting for her reading the newspaper when she came in from the bedroom, ready to go. I looked at her, and kept looking! She was wearing a skinny fit, low waist jeans and a white shirt. It was the first time that i had seen her in clothes that were not loose fitting. So here goes the description: She was 5 feet 8, her brownish-black hair was reached till her waist, I don’t know what that hairdo is called but its basically not tied up and her body was curvaceous.
Her hands were not all bones and she wore a very thin diamond bracelet. She had long legs, her thighs were not zero figure thin but they were not big. Then she turned around to look for and wear her shoes. When she was done with it and stood up, i could see her profile. Her almost slender thighs extended into the roundest ass one could imagine. Her ass was not small by any stretch of imagination. One could never figure out her perfect bottom from the clothes she generally wore.
I had been having all types of extreme feelings since i met her but this one was a bit different. I found myself travelling up from her legs, slowly scanning her body. It was then i realized why her ass looked big: she had the slimmest of waists imaginable. You might be thinking that i am exaggerating to make it sound sexy, but not one word i say is a lie. Her waist was sexy. That’s the only word to describe it. The white shirt hugged her flat belly perfectly. Her breasts were not big, it looked that her bottom was at least a few inches more than her bosom. I traveled up slowly and as soon as i met her eyes, i knew that she knew what i was looking at. I immediately looked away and gestured her to move along.
We had a fun day. Let’s not get into the details of it. Just that i wouldn’t help admiring her beauty all day. She knew i was awed but she played it cool. We had an early dinner and came back home at around 9.
Chapter 3
As soon as she closed the door behind her and turned around, i took her in my arms. She was not expecting it. She whispered, “switch on the lights”. I loosed my grip on her, she moved back a bit and i held her waist.
I slowly moved my hands towards each other behind her waist which made her move slowly towards me. As she moved closer to me, she put both her hands between us, on my chest. I moved my hands up from her waist and she slowly slid hers behind me. I pulled her face close to me till my lips touched hers. It was dark inside but i knew she was looking at me. She pressed her lips slowly against mine and i could feel her hands tighten behind my back. Slowly, she parted her lips and thus began teh most erotic kiss of my life. My lips wrapped around her lower lip and we stayed like that for an eternity.
Then, Just like that, she turned her face away. she put her hands behind my head and slowly pulled my hair as my lips rested on her cheek. Suddenly, she held my head, turned around, straightened her feet till she was almost standing on her toes and put her lips on mine again. This time though, she sucked on my lips as if she expected to suck some nectar out of them. It was the first show of real passion from her. We kissed passionately for some time (can’t say X minutes, who keeps time while kissing apart from some Japanese record breakers?), there was no tongue involved and then she left me and walked, almost ran, to the bathroom.
Almost half an hour later, she emerged from the bathroom in her night clothes. Her hair was tied behind her in some weird formation which made sure she doesn’t pull her hair while she is sleeping. She went straight to bed. I joined in a while after and she hugged me just like the day before. Just that today she was constantly into my eyes. She wouldn’t take them away from me. After a while she simply said, “kiss me”. And so i did.
After a while i felt her tongue. Just a hint of it on my lips. Then I felt it again and it made its way inside my mouth slowly. After the kiss ended, I put my hands on her mouth and circled her slightly open lips with my finger. Her lips were pink, wet and smooth. she opened her mouth further and took one of my fingers in her mouth.
Then she took another and sucked them slowly. The feel of her tongue on my fingers was too much for me and my other hand involuntarily traveled down, under her pajamas and her panties and on to her bare ass. I cupped one of her buttocks in my hand. This was a sudden development. It was as if i had jumped from a 18th century bullock cart to a 21st century bullock cart. I realized i should not have done that. I slowly pulled my hand out. Her eyes were closed, her tongue circled around my fingers and hand moved slowly on my chest. She had not done anything to remove my hand from under her clothes. My hand was now resting on her bare back at her waist.
I stayed still for a while, waiting for her reaction. She did not open her eyes but slowly took my fingers out of her mouth, moved towards me and placed her moist lips on my neck. Then she slowly opened her mouth and bug her teeth onto my neck. I moved my hands under her shirt on her back. I felt the deep of her spine all the way from her waist till i could touch the strap of her bra. I moved my fingers along the strap on both sides for a while and then moved further up till i reached almost the nape of her neck. I moved it down from there till the strap and slowly pushed a finger under it. I would feel her bite harden on my neck. I took my hand out and whispered in her ear, ” I am going to take you shirt off now”. She clung even tighter to me and whispered, “I know”.
So our shirts came off. She looked splendid in her black bra. It was a simple bra made from a thin and soft fabric. Because it was so thin i could see the outline of two small nipples under the fabric. To say that she was the most beautiful woman i have ever been with would be an understatement. She is not of the most beautiful women anyone could ever be with.
I put my hand on one of her breasts and she immediately grasped it and moved it away. After a while of struggle, she was lying on her back with both her hands held by mine on the sides and i looked at her from above. Her Black clad breasts were right below my eyes and just couldn’t have enough of them.
I looked at the bare part which started as two slight protrusions on flesh below her waist and moved circularly towards each other. Except that the two globes never met. There was just a little space between the two of them, small enough to not even let one finger in without touching. I lowered my head and kissed her neck with her pressing slightly on my chest. I kissed her earlobes and she went crazy. Her hands struggled to get free from mine and she turned her head from side to side. I came back to her neck and kissed all over it before moving on to her shoulders. My lips explored every inch of her unclothed upper body.
I felt her shiver as i moved my lips over her exposed breasts. As i moved my lips move over her bra and took her nipple between my lips over the fabric, she clenched my hands so hard that they pained. After exploring her nipple outlines once, i moved down to her belly. I licked her belly button and she pressed my head hard on to it. It was when i kissed the side of her waist that she went really mad. With incredible strength, she just flipped over. But that gave me the chance to move over her. I come over her, with both my legs on either side of her and slowly moved my hand along her spine.
I reached her bra and unhooked it. She laid still as i moved the straps down her shoulders and out of her hands. I would be seeing her bare breasts if i turned her over. I moved away from over her and turned her to her side, spooning her from behind. I slid one hand under her and navigated both my hands to slowly cup her under breasts. I slowly cupped her breasts. They just filled my hands (for the more statistically oriented, they are 34B). I slowly pinched her nipples between my thumb and index fingers. They were hard as a rock. It was too much for her and she turned around to face me.
She took my face in her hands and kissed me. She sucked and bit my lips. She took hold of my hand and guided it to her breast. It was so soft and so tight.
“I have always wondered how will my nipples feel inside your mouth”, she was suddenly saying things that i could never imagine her saying.
“I never thought that you would be having such thoughts”, i replied.
Her voice hardened, “I still don’t know how your mouth would feel on my nipples.
I straightened her and took my mouth to her breasts. I looked at them. It would have been an injustice to the pair if i did not spend time looking at them. They were perky and tight and the nipples were a mixture of brown and pink shades. They were big and thin with small areolas around them. I took an eyeful of them in my head and took one of them in my mouth. I fed on them like a kid. I licked, bit and kissed them forever. I could never have enough of those breasts in my mouth. She constantly pressed my head on her bosom as if she wanted me to knead them mercilessly.
I let go of them in a while. I had to move on. I put my hands on her waist and moved her pajamas and her panties down her legs slowly. She just kept moving her hands on my back and slightly raised herself so that i would move the last bits of clothing from her body.
After a minute, she laid naked. She moved her legs to manoeuvre the clothes out of her legs. In a moment, she made me naked too. I put my hand on her behind and pressed it slightly. This is when she moved her lower body towards me and pressed it tightly against mine. As she moved down, my penis pressed against her thighs. She slightly opened her legs and closed them again, engulfing my hardness between her thighs.
I moved my hand between her buttocks and down. The valley between her bums was deep and i had to bury almost all of my fingers inside till i touched her asshole. She shivered with this touch and dug her nails onto my back. I pressed my finger slightly on her asshole and licked her lips with my tongue. She put her hand on my mouth and hissed, ” what are you doing”. I told her the truth, “I am checking out two openings where my dick would be going tonight”.”No”, she said. It was a really long no and she hugged tightly while pressing her lower body on me simultaneously.
She repeated the no some 5 times in my ear. I asked, “won’t you take it in your mouth?”. “No”, she replied again. “And there”, i said pressing my finger on her asshole. She let out another no slowly as i felt her asshole twitch and my finger go in, ever so slightly.
I kept my finger on her asshole and pressed the other fingers inside and i could feel an incredible softness and wetness on my fingers instantly. She let out a moan of pleasure and pressed her thighs together. I finally laid her on her back and sat up. it was my first time watching the surreal beauty totally naked. She was clenching her thighs together but it was clear that she was clean shaved down there. There was not a hint of hair. Like she shaved it today. Maybe tonight….
I came on top of her, put my legs on both sides of thighs and lowered my body on till i lay almost flat on her. Her nipples poking my chest, my dick pressing between her legs and my lips on hers. If she slightly parted her thighs, it would be knocking right on her pussy entrance. I whispered in her ears, “I am going to make love to you now”.
“You are already making love to me”
“In that case, I am going to fuck you now”
She gave out a heavy breath, closed her eyes and parted her legs. Then she raised them and crossed them behind my back. I took my hand between her legs and pressed her burning pussy. I slightly parted her lips and placed my dick right on her entrance. As soon as it was set there, i moved her legs from behind me so that they hung on both sides. She looked into my eyes and said, ” I promised myself to not be a virgin by the end of tonight”.
I lower my hips and pushed in. Her pussy was incredibly hot and wet. My dick slid ever so slowly inside her. I did not want to do it but i knew i had to. I had to pain her to give her pleasure. I let it go all the way inside her. A little blood flowed onto my dick as i took her cherry and settled it deep inside her. I could see she felt a little uncomfortable. It wasn’t a lot of pain though.
As i lay still, with my dick resting deep inside her and my balls resting on her ass, i felt complete. I did not feel a need to move. I was where i was always wanted to be.She told me that she loved me and then she asked me to fuck her. And so i did.
I started moving really slowly as i could see the discomfort on her face. Slowly but surely, she started feeling the pleasure. As for me, the eventual climax was just a part of the pleasure i had been feeling for more than an hour now. I slowly increased my pace but kept it mild. I made sure the strokes were gentle but deep. I do not know whether she had an orgasm or not. I never asked. I surely had one and i cummed a lot inside of her.
We laid hugging each other for a while after which we went to the bathroom to clean ourselves. We took a hot shower, dried ourselves and came back to bed. I hugged her and said that it was going to be the best sleep ever.
She looked at me, moved her hands between my legs on to my dick , squeezed it and said, “what about the other two openings you were exploring earlier”?
We both shivered as i moved my hands between her buttocks and pressed my digit deep in her ass while my dick grew in her hands…
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From Across The Border, With Love