A Teenage Desire Rekindled – Part I

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Hi folks. This is schmuk, breaking my usual genre of writing stories about maids, and venturing into new territory. We all grow up through childhood and adolescence, having some kind of sexual awakening . Many of us have these feelings towards a person in our lives, usually someone elder than ourselves .But those just remain the thoughts during our masturbations, because they can never happen in real life. how many boys, grew up secretly watching girls bathing, fantasizing about maids, watching lustily at their teachers in class? The object of lust and sexual desire in my teenage, was my maths teacher, Vidya.

Vidya, was our schools beauty. Taking maths for classes between 10 and 12, she was the center of attention for all pubescent boys. Raging hormones, meant that everyone used to be calculating how to fuck her , rather doing maths sums. To describe her, she was fair, correct height, wore spectacles, had a round face, and a perfectly curvaceous body. she often wore nice cotton sarees, which complemented her structure and colour. She was a homely looking lady, wearing flowers and a holy mark on her forehead. her thin upper lip and fat lower lip, was perfect for her smile. every senior boy, used to try to catch a glimpse of her hips and round deep navel in class or the way she used to pull up her pallu near her blouse, got low- wolf- whistes. All in all, she was a perfect MILF, at the age of 26. Many boys, including me, watched jealously, as her husband used to come and pick her up after school.

I was always good at maths, and got her appreciation when i scored high or solved a hard problem. she would stroke my head , coming to close to me. or pat my back. Sometimes she would lean over me to see why I was doing a sum wrong.. (which I did on purpose to get her to come near me). Her flowery smell would drive the boys crazy. Her boobs gently dangling in front of our eyes These were just innocent encouraging gestures, but for me, it was something i treasured. I would re-imagine the scene of me kissing vidya, flush on her lips, or me suckling her ripe boobs as she played with my hair. But, all this was just dreams. I used to deliberately stay back for special class, hoping to get a chance with her. even she used to say that i needed no coaching.. Being a studious type, i feared if i tried anything, i would be sacked from school, and always kept these forbidden desires, locked inside.

Soon, after my board exams, I went to school to give my teachers sweets. I went at last to vidya, to tell her i had secured 94 in maths. She laughed and said “Where did the six marks go. Always aim for perfection. Anyways great going” and shook my hand. I replied “Yes mam. I learned from you what perfection is and i will follow it in my life”. She smiled and said “as a teacher, i am not supposed to have favorites, but i will always remember you. you are a special student. Make it big in life, and hopefully you ll remember me”. Those words caused a sensation in my chest, for which i wanted to go hug her, and kiss her forever.. but i pushed all my feelings down and said “Thank you so much. i will never forget you as well”. With one last good look at this goddess, i turned back and left.

Years passed, i had done my engineering out of the state, and then had found work in IT . Now and then, i managed to keep tabs on vidya, either seeing her outside the school , had a brief “how are you doing” sometimes on the roads if we met by accident, or through facebook we had brief chats. but nothing quiet special. Life had forced me to go in different directions, and contact was cut . in fact, one could say, i forgot about vidya . I never where she was or what she was doing either. 10 years went by, after class 12, and that was the turning point. One day, i opened my email that read “Alumni meet – 10 years anniversary”. We had a newsletter circulated, but i never read much into it. I never had the time, but this alumni meet, was an idea being accepted by many, and i thought it would be a good chance to meet old friends. Vidya was nowhere in the picture, when i thought to attend this.

So, the fateful Saturday arrived, and the alumni meet was fixed at our school. I came there alone ( I was unmarried still) and saw lot of my old friends. jokes, laughs and hugs were shared. many teachers had left, the school had a changed look. It was this moment i saw Vidya standing there, wearing nice red and white saree, smiling at me. So many years, later, that look caused a flutter inside me. Walking towards her, i came close and she immediately said “So, big man now.. you’ve put on some weight”! I laughed and looked at her top to bottom. Barring her cheeks looking little thin, she still maintained that super figure. I said ‘You look same as ever, mam” She said ‘wow , which woman wont want to hear that”. i was little stunned at that words. We exchanged a bit of pleasantries and asked her how her kid was doing. She asked me about my job and commented “i was right, you have done great for yourself.” I asked “So you didnt forget me” . she smiled a broad smile and said “never”.

As dinner began, she asked “So, didnt bring your wife ?” I laughed and said “There is no Mrs. I am still single’. She tapped me on the shoulder and said ” Get married sir. there ll be a queue of girls im sure”. i felt a little bold and said “Ya searching for someone like you” She blushed at that remark and i felt the distance increase between us . My god, she still looked so young and fresh, and immediately i could feel an raging erection in my pants. if i had a chance i would still fuck vidya from head to toe. But then i reminded myself, she is married.. and asked in fake concern “So hows your husband. hope he is doing fine”. She turned grave and looked away. I recognized something was wrong.. She looked at my eyes with sadness and said ‘Im divorced. I found he was cheating on me”. I said i was sorry, but inside, there was a rocket flying. She was alone, vulnerable.. she could be mine. Vidya could become mine…

I suggested that i would drop home by car. she politely refused, but i insisted and we left the function early, careful not to be seen together. After she got into my car, I drove intentionally via a long route. i turned on the widget to play some melodious love songs.. and i was talking to her about life, and some general stuff. suddenly i took a turn into a dark street and stopped the car under a tree. vidya asked “hey.. what are you doing. dont scare me. take me home, or ill get down and go”. I hushed her and said “Vidya, dont worry nothing can hurt you when im there. I want to tell you something.” Taking her hands gently into mine.. she looked shocked, as i looked into her face.. centimeters away and said “Mam.. I am in love with you. I always was, and i still am”…

To be continued.. Part 2 coming soon.

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