A picnic

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Hi Readers, This is Sofia C again. Find below is my new story. Your comments & replies are welcomed at [email protected] After putting in sixty hours at design table for new dress, I decided to get away, by myself, on this beautiful Saturday morning. A friend told me about a spot with a near by lake. I packed a nice champagne lunch, gathered up some compact disks and my portable player, pulled a couple of quilts out of storage and loaded my car. I found the area my friend described with no problem. It was as beautiful as he said with the pond shimmering and lots of trees. After doubling my quilts for cushioning, I spread out a few of my things, popped in a cd and laid back to commune with nature. My hand slipped inside my shorts to commune with my recently shaved pussy. There’s nothing quite like the feel of a slightly sore pussy being manipulated. It’s that pleasure and pain thing. I drifted off after I came. I was awakened by the feeling of someone watching. When I pulled my eyes open and eased my hand from my shorts, I saw shapely female legs in white sandals. My eyes traveled up a long distance to the bottom of a short yellow skirt, to large breasts jutting under a matching tank top, to the sweet angel face of a girl with a most unusual shade of red curly hair.

“Hi,” she said smiling. “You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn’t want to waken you.”

“Hello. I thought I was all alone out here.”

“You would have been. My friends and I were hanging out just over the ridge. We all had a fight and they took off without me. They said I needed some time to think about things and he’d pick me up at 4 o’clock. I’ve just been wandering around.”

Looking at my watch, I said, “It’s only just 1:30. How dare they leave you alone this long? Are you all right? They didn’t hurt you, did they?” looking her up and down.

No, no, nothing likes that. The fight was verbal–about sex, of course. They all were more than ready, but I’m not–at least not with all together in a group.

“You made a good decision. Don’t let anyone force you into something you don’t want to do. I’m hungry after that nap. Would you like to join me in lunch? I have plenty.” Taking a moist towlette from my basket, I wiped both hands clean, taking extra care with the one I pulled from my shorts. She helps me to remove the food for our feast.

“This is all very nice. You’re use to elegant picnics from the looks of this food,” she said spreading pate’ on a cracker.

“I like elegance and beauty in all aspects of my life. So, tell me a little about yourself,” I said as I took a morsel from my plate. “But, wait, let me go first. My name is Sofia. I’m a highly reputed dress designer in the city, unmarried, 38 years old. I don’t mind telling people how old I am. Lying is unnecessary because you still can’t be any younger that you are. Now you.”

“Well, I’m a 20 year old by the name of Suchitra. My parents have me in a private girls’ school which I really do like a lot. I spend the summers with them in the city and at our farmhouse in the mountains. And I am a spoiled and only child,” she said smiling.

“Well, Suchitra you are also a beautiful and spoiled only child. I can’t quite make out the shade of red of your hair.”

“Only my hairdresser knows for sure,” she laughed quoting that old commercial. “Is that a champagne bottle sticking out? There,” she said pointing to the cooler.

“Yes it is. I had a cup just before my nap. But you’re a little young for champagne, aren’t you?”

“Actually, no. Upperclassmen, such as me, have wine in social settings at school. It’s part of our finishing school training to learn and appreciate good wines. And my parents serve wine with every meal.”

“In that case,” I said grabbing an extra cup, “have some wine, Suchitra. And you certainly won’t be driving an automobile.” She took the full cup from my fingers. This was the hand I masturbated with I thought as our fingers touched briefly. I filled our cups several times as we talked. I was getting a pleasant little “buzz,” not drunk, but feeling good. She had kicked out of her sandals and was sitting Indian-style on the quilts. She didn’t seem intoxicated either. When she moved I caught sight of the yellow panties she wore. She saw me looking at her crotch.

“It’s okay if you want to look. They’re a little wet right now. When I came upon you sleeping with your hands in your shorts, I got a little turned on. Your hand was moving as you slept.”

Blushing bright red, I quietly said, “I’m sorry you saw that Suchitra. I didn’t shock you? An older woman like me playing with herself?”

“Like I said, I was turned on, Sofia. It’s very common in the dormitory where I live. We think nothing of it. We even finger each other sometimes. Hell, we screw each other a lot of the time.”

“Really. You hear rumors about what goes on when the same sex is thrown so close together. I guess you girls like it, huh?”

“Oh yes! I have a favorite girl I like to do it with so much so that we switched accommodations so that we could end up in the same room together. Most nights, after fucking, we sleep in each others arms. Drinking another cup of champagne, she looked directly into my eyes after they left her panties again. “I can show you what I do with my roommate. I can make love to you right here.”

I was trembling under her stare. It’s been such a long time since I had time for sexual recreation. My finger can be okay, but I miss the pleasure of contact with another warm body. “You want to fuck with me, Suchitra? Is that what you’re saying?”

“It’s what I’m saying, Sofia,” she said as she pulled her tank top over her head, revealing her high full breasts. “Do you like these?” she said hefting them in both hands. “They are yours to suck on if you want them.” Suchitra leaned back on the quilt and removed her little skirt and panties in one fell swoop. She was naked, gorgeous, sexy personified, and mine if I wanted her. I moved on my knees to her. Tentatively, I reached for both breasts and hefted them as she did. My mouth moved down to taste one sweet nipple, then the other. Her head fell back as I sucked them. When I brought my head up and looked in her lust-filled eyes, I knew our fucking would be the next order of this day. I quickly removed my clothing and waited.

“Beautiful, sweet Sofia,” she mumbled as she pushed me back and down on the quilt. “First, I will suck your pussy. That is the best part.”

Suchitra spread my legs and got between them. Putting a leg on each shoulder, she brought my pussy to her mouth, cupping my ass. Never has my pussy been so well used and thoroughly pleased as when sweet Suchitra did it. She knew where to put her tongue in my folds, how to suck my clit to the sweetest of multiple orgasms, how to plunge into my wet darkness and make it light with her tongue. When she pulled her mouth away from me, I whimpered, wanting more. Suchitra did not disappoint me as my back arched pushing my pussy to capture her tongue. Again and again. My pussy was never left bare to nature as Suchitra rose to cover it with her own. The feel of our lips and folds mingling, clits jutting as we screwed our pussies into each other was matched only by the feel of her thick tongue fucking my mouth. I could feel myself about to come, but I held it off as many times as I could. When I did come, pushing up to Suchitra, pushing her little ass down to me, it was magnificent. The trees caught my screams of ecstasy. This was far better than any finger could ever be. Here I was, out the open, orgasm under young, warm, pliable, willing flesh that was also cumming because of me.

“Thank you, Suchitra. I’ve never felt like that in my whole life.” I kissed her.

“Told you,” she said.

“If you and your roommate do this all the time, I can see why you love private school. I wish I had gone.”

“Sofia, what time is it? Three fifteen–good. Let me show you a little something else we do in the dorms. Ever heard of 69’ing? No? Well let me show you.” Suchitra rose and assumed the position being the diligent teacher that she was. Could it get any better than this? I mean, could it? I thought. Here I am in the middle of a beautiful meadow, naked, a soft wind cooling my ass, crouched over a beautiful young nymph whose long tongue is moving in my pussy making me cum. The music of Bach on the CD player was as very appropriate as I had my first taste of her young pussy. If you do anything worthwhile today, “do it” with a woman. I love feedback good or bad as long as it’s honest. Send all feedback to the link below. Please make sure you put the story title in the subject line so I know it’s not spam. [email protected]

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