A Different Party

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Hi Guys and this is Abhi and I am going to write this really great and memorable experience. Please send your comments and feedback to [email protected]

There was this annual party being held as usual on New Year’s Eve. Whole group of close knit friends came together to celebrate and get in touch.

To make the party more interesting, every single person was allotted a name tag. The tags went something like this – Devar, Bhabhi, Jija, Saali, Boss, Secretary, Biology Teacher, Administrator, Doctor, Patient and so on.

The game was that the host would announce two different name tags and they would have to come up on stage and present a skit and entertain people.

Everything was just happening. Party was going on nicely but was surely missing some Fire. The host, one of my closest friends took me aside and asked me to somehow bring some Fire into the whole party somehow, anyhow. I took a few minutes and told him my plans. The discussion brought up a smile on both our faces.

Dinner was soon over everybody was now cantered around the stage and enjoying the skit’s being performed everything was going smooth but very simple kinds. The host, my friend, then went on to the stage to announce the next set of names that were to perform. The tags were administrator and biology teacher.

I went up the stage as Administrator, a few friends hooted for me. Everybody was waiting in anticipation for the biology teacher. It was none other than my closest friend’s wife. It came as a shock to me as I was supposed to fire things up and here stood my closest friend’s wife on stage.

The whole scenario was a new ball game for me and am sure it was going to be a revelation for everyone around that stage. I looked around for my friend and he seemed to be indifferent to what I was going to do. So I thought WTF, let the party catch some Fire.

The Biology Teacher, Sunita, knows me pretty well and vice versa. Me and my friend have always been very close to each other and Sunita had no way out but to bear with us. She was absolutely comfortable as we were settling in and discussing the basics of the skit.

It was decided that we will perform on basic lines of an interview where the administrator is making it harder for the biology teacher to accept the job since he has a candidate in mind already and the biology teacher is crossing and accepting his terms as she is in desperate need of this job besides the pay and perks are way above the basic industry standard.

We wish each other the very best and take our seats, adjust the microphones and settle in. There is a subtle Fire building up inside me as I plan my basic lines. My eyes wander for a second – I look at Sunita, the way I look at her is totally different and I can sense some fire building UP in my crotch too as I admire her looks (in a rather different way).

The interview starts

Me Please take a seat Miss.

She: Thank you Sir.

She just sits there idol for a few seconds and then gives her resume for me to have a look a bunch of rolled up newspaper. I look into the papers and congratulate her on her knowledge, skill levels and her qualifications. She just smiles and takes them back and puts them away besides her chair.

She : Sir, if you don’t mind, can you please tell me a bit about the college, the working hours, number of classes I am supposed to take in a week and what will be my salary be.

Me: I tell her the details in general and add. Miss, what makes you think I have finalized you for this post. You are actually over qualified for this post.

The way Sunita is participating at the moment makes me ponder whether she knows that we are supposed to fire up the party. I don’t ponder too much and go back to the skit.

She: But Sir is that not good for the University that a person of over qualification is chosen for the post in fact and the trustees will see you in a good light for hiring a over qualified person for the post.

We spend some 10-15 minutes discussing petty things and job wherein I try to get my point through to her that I already have someone in mind but she is simply not ready to give up.

Her innocent looks and ways of discussion more for looks keep the crowd interested at the moment. I decide it is about time I change gears and get the discussion on to another level and the Fire levels

Me : Actually Miss, even I am convinced now that you are absolutely apt for this job my eyes linger deliberately at every curve of hers as we speak) but there are certain issues involved with the job that I cannot discuss without a lady colleague present here during our conversation.

She: Sir, if you want I will sign any paper and agreements that you want but I need this job, very badly.

The way she manipulated the emotions and dialogues made her look nothing short of a Bollywood actress, a beautiful one too.

Me: Miss, do you know the topics a Biology Teacher teaches and for what specific job this opening has been created?

She: Sir, I know my subject well and can cover everything from an amoeba to organs. My qualifications do clarify that, don’t they? Sir, I will teach anything and everything that you say.

The stress specifically on the you makes both me and the people around squirm. I smile and decide to play along her lines. A few murmurs start to happen and everybody is totally focused on the skit. A sense of interest makes me happy and Sunita is beaming, as if the skit is already over.

Me: Miss, this post has been created by WHO, World Health Organization. This post covers topics which relate to physical body, it’s pleasures and pains. There prime interest is to educate the youngsters about each and every part of the body, only the external organs.

You will have to demonstrate it to them practically and the pleasures and pains associated with it. Do you get me now why I subtly don’t want you to take this post?

Sunita, at this moment, had ‘A’ look on her face. The whole place was totally silent and mildly ignited as well. You could say the fire has started to ignite in a few minds and bodies.

She: Sir, I have no issues with that. I will ensure that each and every student excels in The subject that I take. I will personally ensure there excellence in every single detail. If that needs extra hours, I will do that as well. Anything you say sir, will be taken care of.

The way Sunita was coming on to me made my crotch burn with anticipation of things to come or was I imagining too many permutations and combinations.

I could see change of colors, on her cheek, as Sunita looked around what people were looking like. I think all the attention and lust that she saw around made her more confident and I knew it now that it was time to subtly move into top gear now.

Me: Sunita, there might be certain requests from students which you might inappropriate but will still have to clarify them. Some of them can be rather annoying, being in the profession I guess you know how the young students are, always on an overdrive of hormones.

Are you prepared to handle such situations?

She: Sir, I am single till now and have handled many such situations in my personal life.

Sunita was opening up by the passing second. Her face had a glow of the other kinds. She bent down, in pretext to getting something, and stood back up.

She continued: Sir, I caught you were obviously checking me out as I bent down. I could feel myself blushing as she caught me at my game. A part of me felt embarrassed at being caught and talking like this to my closest friend’s wife but a part of me wanted to get back my revenge and prove things otherwise. Fortunately the part wanting revenge won and I continued.

Me: clearing my throat continued and I will sign your employment letter right now provided you are able to convince the trustees that you are The teacher for the subject.

She: Beaming ears to ears and quite glad anything and everything that you say sir when do I get to meet the trustees Sir?

I smile and look around at the crowd. I was glad to see that they all wanted more of what was happening.

Me: pointing at a few friends including her hubby and they are the trustees of this esteemed college. I guess you will have to satisfy them now to get the job.

The silence was so deep that one could hear Sunita breath even, in anticipation of things to come. Ashok, Sunita’s husband, could see that everyone wanted to ask many things but the relations forced them to keep quiet. Ashok decided to take things in his hand, got up and asked.

Ashok: What is the role of lips, tongue and mouth in our body ? Please explain in detail and the demo should be such that each and every member should be able to evaluate, listen, understand and see everything that you say and do.

Sunita could feel every cell of her burn, with embarrassment but more with an unknown desire. A desire she had never experienced before. She knew every single person was looking at her and what she would do next. Sunita had never experienced embarrassment and excitement at the same time and that rush.

It had been decided by Ashok and Sunita that they would stop at some point when they felt that there was a buzz in the party. She wondered for a few seconds, why was she enjoying this thing going on never wanting it to stop here) and what her options were at the moment.

There was a wicked smile on her face as her eyes locked with Ashok. Ashok remembered reading it somewhere that lust and slut had the same alphabets and he for one was seeing the materialization of both the words right in front of his eyes.

It was about time for her to decide whether to go forward with the skit or stop it right here. She got up and moved down the steps. The looks on her face confused one and all. Was she really calling it a day or what?

Sunita had a thousand things running up her naughty little brain, she made her way towards the group of men whom I had pointed out as trustees and asked Ashok her husband

She : Sir, would you like me to give a demo here and now or you would like it someplace personal ?

Every guy was having a hard time adjusting the visible tent poles in their trousers some wished urgent relief and some wanted the thing to linger on forever. I could see Ashok was getting nervous so I intervened

Me: Miss, why don’t you come back here and demonstrate as our chief trustee has asked you to do.

The walk back up to the stage made it quite clear why she had gone down towards them. Her hips were definitely swaying and gyrating much more than her normal self.

Sunita was the perfect seductress at the moment. Every single pair of eyes was focused on her curves as made her way back to the stage. She came up on stage and faced me, others could also see her as well, and smiled her awesome million dollar smile towards me and added.

She: Sir, the first and foremost function of the lips is smile

Now that smile was a smile that anybody would die for. She normally had a great smile but today it had so many different colors to it.

Me: Miss, you seem to be good at the physical appearance of things (my eyes linger deliberately at her face for long). We, the trustees, want to know each and every function related. If you don’t know then you can certainly excuse yourself out of the interview.

I was hoping that she would take the clue and stop but Sunita was like a lady possessed who did not want the thing to stop at all.
She : Sir, I will tell every single thing that I know about lips for starters and then you and the other esteemed trustees can decide whether to go further with the interview or not.

Our lips form a very important part of our face and contribute majorly to our looks. Our lips are very flexible too. Besides this they play a major part in chewing of food and our speech as well. Our lips are very rich in nerve endings which make them very sensitive to cold, heat and touch.
Sunita continued

She: Due to the very nature of the sensitivity, lips play a very important part when it comes to kissing and performing other acts of intimacy everybody in the room was groping for a break. Silent, dumbstruck and excited are a few expressions one could feel seeing the people in the room.

Giggling, she added our lips form an important role when it comes to blowing her eyes convey what she really means by blowing air into various instruments to play them, to whistle etc. Since it has its own set of muscles, it is the first organ involved in sucking a child sucking on her mother’s breasts to drink milk would be the perfect example.

The party surely had gone on to absolute another level. A level that neither one had conceived or thought of in their wildest dreams.

Me: You seem to have a good knowledge base Miss. I think the trustees here need a practical demonstration of things you just explained to us. We will take a 5 minute break and you can GIVE the practical thereafter.

Break was something everyone was wanting much for obvious reasons. It was a sight to see people as they came out of the washroom, one after another -relaxation quite clearly visible on their faces (after masturbating of course).

I too had to masturbate to release the sweet pain in damn sore crotch of mine. I came out of the bathroom wondering what more was in store at this party. A few more friends also came out alongside, everybody knew what each one had been doing inside and it was kind of embarrassing since it was our first experience of this kinds.

Hurricane of emotions kept me entangled, a part wanted to go bolder and a part felt odd to continue the skit of this kind and that too with my closest friend’s wife in short, I felt like jekyll and hyde. So decided to slow down my thought process a shade and started taking deep breaths as I strode gently towards the stage.

I was stopped about 10 metres from the stage by a group of friends, whom I had addressed as the trustees. By the looks on their faces, I could clearly make out that they were upset about the whole thing. It took a while to hear all they had to say. I could understand their plight so I let them pour out all their anxieties.

I then told them that it was not my plan to make the skit something like what had happened and that it was the idea of Ashok and Sunita in the first place. Hearing this smoothened there nerves, a bit. Now the discussions started to change from what had happened to what will happen, everybody wanted to know how I planned to go ahead.

The biggest question was how sleazy I will get with Sunita and I felt much better walking up towards the stage, knowing that my gang of friends were by my side. I could observe a hush rise as I took my seat because no one expected me to come back on the stage. The hush soon turned to silence as Sunita also got back onto the stage.

Our eyes met for a brief second and I knew already I was in trouble. It seemed to be more of a power struggle who will come out stronger kinds. Her look poked hard at the sleeping devil inside me. It only took a few minutes for me to decide how I was going to take the skit ahead.

Me: Miss, if you are done with your nitty witty things, do you mind demonstrating exactly what I had asked you to or will you just go on speaking about it. If you cannot demonstrate it to our trustees here, please tell me so.

Sunita did not expect me to be so very straight to the point. It ruffled her up, a bit and that brought a smile to my face – not to forget, my gang of friends too. It was clearly a battle of ego’s now. Sunita recollected herself fast, went down towards Ashok, and asked him to come up on stage along with his chair. He placed his chair next to me and settled down.

She : As I was telling you Sir the stress on the word sir made me think twice – what her intentions were lips play a very important part in our life. I will suitably demonstrate it right here in front of you and your trustee here.

Everybody was gasping for air, anticipating her next move. She stood right in front of Ashok and took one of his fingers into hers and put it into her mouth. To start with she let her tongue play with his fingers. Her eyes were playing with mine all the time as she did so. She deliberately let her saliva drip on his fingers.

Ashok’s fingers almost glistened with her saliva on it. The whole act was suggestive as it is and the effect was exactly happening as she wanted it. Every single male, females too, tried to adjust there view and get the best look possible of the act that was happening.

Ashok was putting up a brave face somehow and so can be said for me as well. She took every single person with surprise as took his finger deep into her mouth next and started to suck hard. A few moans could be clearly heard along with hers as well. She broke away, started to once again play her pink tongue all around his fingers once more and stopped.

She: Sir, i hope this must have given you a practical demonstration of lips and tongue. Tongue is used to lick up things, though it’s primary function is to help break up food but i cannot possibly demonstrate that. I gave a demo of how one use saliva to lube up things and then suck and later eat it up.

My so called gang of friends were dumbfounded and there looks conveyed that they had switched sides. Now it was for me to decide how to turn the tables back on her. My own ego crushing me and my brain hard. I knew i had to react fast before she conquered all.

Me : that indeed was a lovely demo of what you told us but i believe you had told us before about the more intimate acts performed by lips and tongue – we would want to have an exact demo of what you meant since we want our students to know everything once they leave this place.

I could see Sunita blushing and blushing hard. She had never expected and speaking the truth neither had i expected to ask this question myself. Ashok was smiling ears to ears – I wondered why.

You could hear the sound of breaths, the silence was such. Every passing second was a torment to one and all present there anticipating, wanting and all. I had the upper hand once again and it was my turn to give Sunita – the look. It indeed was turning up to be a battle of ego’s, mind and body as well.

The whole thing got on to the head of my friends, one of them just clapped out of excitement. Boy, he got some stares. The better part of me wanted this thing to end here but the devil inside me wished otherwise.

Me : Should we call this interview off or what miss ?

The way i spoke really irked Sunita and now she looked as if devil possessed her.

She : coming very close to my face, i could feel her hot breath on my cheeks) Sir, would you like me to demonstrate all the intimate acts which can be performed using lips and tongue ?

Now it was my turn to answer her, not to mention blush as well and hard. Ashok, however, was the one having the time of his life, i wondered again – why.

Ashok : To start with please demonstrate us an act, which according to you is the basic and yet every single male and female don’t know about it nicely. We possibly might ask you to demonstrate all the things one can do with lips and tongue later as the interview goes on and if you are able to go on as well with those demonstrations.

This was some relief as Ashok barged in and saved me from the situation but it opened a whole new ball game. My gut told me that the skit was going to get sexual now.

She : Sir, i personally feel the most intimate act that every one should know is kissing. I can challenge that half the boys/girls who do it, don’t actually know the whole act. I would like to give a practical demonstration of this act as it is very dear to me.

A few in the crowd were almost jumping, to get to see the thing more clearly but on the whole every single pair of eye was totally focussed on the stage. It was a time to make a decision for me – whether to stop or go ahead and push some more.

Ashok : that’s well said miss and rightly so, i cannot agree more to what you say.

Me : since we agree on the basic act, please give us a detailed demo along with the exact style in which you will demonstrate the students, that will help us decide whether you are able to convince them or not. To start with Mr. Ashok here is your student. So start your demo please.

She was totally ready to beat the hell out of me. Her eye had that look of a lady in total control and i was the one looking for escapes. I had never anticipated such a thing to ever happen between us friends every single thing she said and did was making me wonder if i did the right thing but again there was a devil inside me who just would not stop at anything.

Me: start please. I also request all the trustees here pointing at my gang of friends) to come up on stage and tell their opinion on the whole act as we have to decide whether you are worth the job or not.

I was trying to make it as hard for her as possible and she was taking every single challenge up like a champion SLUT. She just added a few shades more to her cheek and waited for all the trustees to come up on stage every single guy tried to rush and get the best view possible.

She: I would have loved to personally demonstrate it to every single trustee present here but since you have made Mr. Ashok your representative, i will give all my demonstrations using him as the student. I hope to pass your rigorous tests Sir.

Her timing of words was so perfect and precise that we were the ones blushing harder than her. A few friends could not dare to look her in the eyes and were looking down but some were getting bolder by the moment. I was happy for that.

I just blinked at Ashok as Sunita made her first move towards him. Ashok just sat there and did not mind a bit of what was going on and what was going to happen further.

The one thing that we all, on stage, could hear clearly was our heartbeats. Every single person on stage had a super fast heartbeat and a nervousness to manage somehow.

She : there are so many kind of kisses that one can endlessly go on telling about them, not to mention give demonstrations as well. i will try my best to cover as much as possible in this brief period of time.

She was getting confident with every passing second and we all were getting horny and uneasy watching her.

She: Sir, a kiss can be of many types but i am primarily demonstrating two types of kisses – an emotional kiss which invigorates a lot of emotion in both the partners and the other one is a kiss of lust – rough and hard.

We all were just spectators to what she was saying, gulping and groping.

She got real close to Ashok, close enough for a few to give out sighs of desperation. She was teasing our brains out at the moment. She ensured that every single person was having the toughest time of life as she broke away from Ashok

And looked into our eyes, locking eyes with literally everyone. Ashok too was feeling the heat now. He caught her neck and pulled her towards him with quite a force, she stopped him and looked back again at us.

She : Now this is what i meant by the kiss of lust an uncontrollable urge just to kiss.

And she removed her hand and got into a battle of lip lock with Ashok. It was some sight in front of our eyes. An aggressive woman going for her prey and the prey was equally going for her. Just hoped that this lip lock went on forever.

And it did a few guys were almost glistening there dry lips, another set were busy managing their raging hard on and a few were just shocked dumb. The whole hall was engulfed with their muffled moans and teeth banging mildly against each other as they kissed rough.

Ashok caught her hairs hard and pulled away from her to catch up some air. Sunita was a lady possessed now and she cared a damn what others felt, she placed her hands back onto his cheeks and pulled him back towards her and again ensued the battle of their lips.

A few drops of saliva leaked outside their lips but they hardly cared. Ashok was frisking her back freely now, almost giving us a heart attack as well. Sunita then broke away from the kiss and looked once again at us

She: I guess, Sir, you are satisfied with one type of the kiss that i was wanted to display. I will now go on to the other kiss that I just mentioned. It is an emotional kiss a kiss with lots of softness and intimacy. Sir, would you like me to display the kiss to the trustee here or would any other trustee like to take the demonstration?

Everybody was internally cursing her for being such a bitch but she clearly had the top hand. Ashok was the one who gave us the shock of life and we never expected these words from him

Ashok : I give you a 100% on the kiss that you just demonstrated. I think you should demonstrate it to the other trustees so that they can assess too, some here might feel that i am giving a biased opinion for this young lady here. I think you can give a demonstration of the emotional kiss to SIR here he pointed towards me

The silence was such that you could hear, almost, all the heartbeats stop for a few seconds and then started beating faster than a bullet train. The whole idea of seeing a lady kiss her husband’s best friend right in front of him, on his initiative, was something that not all were comfortable with.

Fact is that deep down every single person found the idea kinky enough to get the juices and minds overflowing with wild imaginations but no one had the guts to admit it on face.

At this moment, I found myself absolutely torn between ethics of friendship and my lust for Sunita. Dr. Jekyll and Hyde once again tormenting every thought, every action of mine. I experienced anxiety for the first time in my life.

Basically, being a confident guy in every sphere of life, it was such a new and odd experience for me. Was it my ethics that I was worried about or was it performance anxiety (to kiss Sunita) that was giving me these anxiety pangs?

I had always been known to take the right decisions at right time, my gut and instincts had always played a crucial part in it. Taking a few deep breaths, I looked vaguely in the directions all around me. I stopped for a few brief seconds as I looked at all my friends, my gut was confused as they showed mixed emotions.

I shifted my gaze to get a glance of friends on stage, mixed reactions again made my tummy churn. Last but not the least, I locked eyes with Ashok and Sunita – there were no anxiety pangs anymore, no decision to take. I could feel a whole new set of attitude springing up inside me as I eyeballed them both.

Me: Miss, now that you have been given the task of demonstrating an emotional kiss. Please explain what you understand by the words an emotional kiss. My new attitude reflected on my looks too, I suppose. I felt as if I had total control at the moment, don’t know why but I felt so.

Sunita: Sir stammering a bit, a kiss which has emotions involved is an emotional kiss.

It was for the first time that Sunita was jittery with words and I intended to make the most of it, of course.

Me: hmmmm. So you plan to give me a kiss like my mother. She always gives me a kiss which makes me feel so nice. She always gives them to on the cheek, by the way. Is this how you will teach your students Miss? I was sure that every word I spoke were balanced perfectly and must have stung her quite hard, her ego too.

She: Sir, I did not intend to mean it to be a motherly kiss. I meant it to be more in terms of two people who are romantically involved. It was more than clear that this was not a treaded territory she was in and it reflected more than clearly in her approach. I laughed internally and continued

Me: Romantically involved hhmmm are you married Miss?

My questions were getting personal and intense. I could sense so and so could Sunita and Ashok as well. However, they could not gather at all what I had in mind. It was all very clearly drafted inside my mind. The only “IF” was that Sunita just played along the lines I had planned else I would have to change the line of approach on the spot. I found it worth a try and pursued what I had planned.

She: Yes, Sir she looked towards Ashok and added I have been married for 8 years now.

Me: Were you romantically involved with your husband?

My questions were irking her lots but somehow, I felt, she liked them too.

She: No Sir, my marriage was an arranged one. We did not meet each other before marriage so the question of romance and liking did not arise.

Me: When did you kissed each other for the first time? Just answer the questions Miss, believe me these questions are relevant to what you have been asked to perform here.

Sunita was blushing harder than before. There was a certain degree of shyness too on her face. She looked like a beautiful newlywed Indian bride at the moment.

She: It was on our first night Sir.

Me: Since you both had never met before and were not romantically involved – was your kiss to your husband not having any emotions?

The atmosphere became electric around the stage, a certain buzz of discussion between couples had started but it soon settled as they saw Sunita getting ready to reply.

She: (looking at Ashok, her husband for real) we had sat through the process of marriage and reception before and I had found him to be an utterly caring person, something which I had always deeply desired to be there in my husband. Believe me Sir, I felt very emotional when we first kissed each other.

Sunita was absolutely glowing with the blush. Her cheeks were at least 3-4 shades darker than her real skin tone.

Me: I never had doubts of any kind Miss.

The reference was for their real life since i knew them so very nicely. I continued.

Me: It is nice to know you have such pristine and pure love for your husband (these words made her glow even more. How will you give me an emotional kiss? I mean we don’t know each other and we don’t share any emotions yet the stress was on the word yet

It was taking the discussions into an unknown territory. Even I never knew what the outcome would be. I was taking my chances based on my gut feelings. We continued.

She: feeling too shy now sir, I really don’t know a perfect answer to this but I am sure I will be able to demonstrate an emotional kiss to you.

Sunita’s head was towards the floor as she said this and did not raise it even after answering it. Was she feeling shy or was it something else? Everybody was diverted when one of my friends just stood up and requested can you, Miss, speak a bit loud? We are not able to hear it here.

The guy was known to be the most decent introverts in our circle of friends and this boldness was something totally new to all of us, including his wife. A shocker to one and all there but a pleasant one. Ashok just got up and went out, came back with a set of speakers and collar mics.

Now this was an even bigger shock, to me at least. Ashok had everything so handy – was this planned before or what? The spontaneity of the moment was such that we took the mic’s, me and Sunita and started to wear them. I just plugged it in on to my shirt’s pocket but Sunita was having difficulties managing it, seems it was her first time.

I looked around for Ashok but it seems he had (deliberately) gone away somewhere. I just showed her how it was done but she could not manage. A thought sprung in my mind and a naughty smile was there on my face as I went on. I took the mic and went on to hook it on to her blouse. I almost moaned as my fingers touched her skin for the first time.

I had deliberately slipped my finger while placing the mic on to her blouse. The cold clip against her skin made her jerk too, could not gather whether it was a pleasant or unpleasant surprise for her. Goose pimples on her cleavage conveyed the reaction to be towards the positive side.

Me: I know you are feeling odd, possibly shy to explain how you will give me an emotional kiss. Let us put it this way then – what is that thing in me which attracts you?

She was taken aback by this question, genuinely and so were many friends who were watching us. Did I cross any limits? Pondering, I had nothing to do but wait.

She: Sir, you have been a perfect gentleman yourself during the interview. A quality which is very close to my heart. A thing which gets my emotions flowing.

Me: hmmmm. I take you for your words. Now suppose a student of yours is rogue kinds. Pardon me saying so but anyone who knows you and sees you can become a rogue for you. How will you give him the proper skills to give an emotional kiss?

She: Sir, ladies exactly know how to handle different kind of people. I think I will be able to handle them just fine.

I could see she was on the brink and edgy too.

Me: Ok, I will take you for your words then. You have not answered my question yet – What is that thing in me which attracts you?.

There was a smile on my face as I asked her this question. A smile that clearly conveyed, things were moving as I had planned. A smile that made Sunita, Ashok and the rest of friends ponder over my next move.

Me: I will answer you, partly though. I know the exact signs when anyone becomes excited. Your pupils are dilated which I can clearly observe but not all sitting here. You are blushing so hard that your cheeks are off by 3-4 shades. If you were to open your clothes right now

I am sure we could observe that your whole body is blushing and walked casually towards her and took her arms into mine and it is burning too. Sunita was totally flushed and blushing even harder than before. She wanted to do something about it but did not know what.

Me: I think you can term the experience that you are having as lust. Am I right?

She very meekly: Yes.

Me: Interesting quite interesting seeing you like this I am quite sure, the kiss that you demonstrate on me will be quite an emotional one (the chuckle was quite loud and distinct.

I looked hard, quite hard into her eyes and asked her

Me: Now tell me Sunita, what part of me brings out these lusty emotions in you?

I switched off the mic and asked her if she wanted to stop here. Neither did she reply nor did she make any attempt to stop it.

She: Sir, you can ask any lady in this room. Every single lady here lusts you.

That was some statement, the effects too. Murmurs, gossips and a buzzing happened. I looked once again towards her and could see the subtle win in her eyes. I just kept my fingers crossed that everything between us friends stayed like what we were before.

It was hoping too much at the moment but there was nothing more I could do.

Me: I can vouch the same for you too, Miss.

That added even more buzz to the place.

Me: My question was – what is that thing in me which brings out those lusty emotions in you and not what all the people feel here trying to salvage the situation and implication between friends.

Sunita was like a bitch now, who was cornered before and now since she had no room left – she was getting back at the attacker.

She: Sir, I basically have been attracted to you forever.

It was news to me and every statement that she made was creating a buzz, larger than before. I sincerely did not know how to bag this cat. She was a cat and I was the one responsible to make her a tigress.

Me: And does your husband know that?

I cursed myself for getting so personal but there was no other way out.
She: looked in the direction of Ashok since you know what my love is for him, do you think he is a stranger to my feelings for you?

Fuck, she was the one questioning me now. I had to work out something and fast to stop this from happening.

Me: hmmm and the question that i asked still remains unanswered Miss.

Sunita had a very different look in her eyes. She moved towards me and placed a hand on my cheeks. I felt a cold shiver run up my spine. My breathing was audibly fast. I could sense losing control to her but i was not able to control myself, at all.

I had moved in close towards her and my body was no more than 4-6 inches away from her. The silence once again engulfed the whole place except for what on the stage. It was the last chance to stop from something happening on stage but it did not happen.

I took her hands into mine and looked once again into her eyes. I pulled her up a bit closer to me which made her moan and bite her lips. I just kept pulling her up until there was no space left between our bodies. It was for the first time, I felt her contours against my body.

Man, was she hot. She was in a fairy land, her face conveyed so. I had to use a bit of force to pull up her head, which dug badly into my chest. Her eyes flickered so much more and did not lock with mine, or should i say locked with mine and yet did not as well. Placing my palms on her cheek, i looked once again into her eyes.

She just closed her eyes and parted her lips. The feelings that happened are beyond words. I just parted my lips and put them on hers. Sunita opened her eyes and shyly sunk into my chest, only to part her lips once again and surrender her to whatever happened. I pulled her up close to me and took her lips into mine watching her.

I again started to play with her lips. Alternating the sucks with soft kisses, we stayed in each other’s arms for long. It must have been an eternity. My arms were on her back and had for the first time glided on her curves and around, needless to say my crotch was on fire and I am sure she must have got a good measure of what I was feeling.

I was planting soft kisses on her cheek, small pecks all over her cheeks. Sunita was far more feminine than I had imagined. Her smell, her skin, the tone of her skin, her curves and everything looked so very different in the new light. Trailing the pecks towards her lips, we started to once again go for each other’s lips and mouth soft, deep and uninhibited in between the kisses.

I was able to get a look around the stage. The expression on every single face was the horniest ones, I had seen till date and we as a group of friends had shed away the basic inhibition. The whole setup was making me hornier. My hands wanted to feel more of Sunita.

The way I felt her was more like young lovers meeting for the first time -sometimes hard and sometimes soft. I guess it was driving Sunita crazier as well. Every stroke was being acknowledged by her body in its own subtle way. My fingers started to feel and trace every inch of her back.

I forgot to mention that Sunita was a health fanatic so you can well imagine her shapely body. The more I felt her back, the more she was moaning. Her responses made it even hornier for me and the group of friends watching us. The need to feel and know more of her overtook me.

Her hairs which were loose now, flowed down all the way to her mid back, were going very well with her erotic looks. Her eyes were extra ordinarily bright and shining. Her face had that lust look to it which could make anyone loose his mind. Shy at times, bold the other times.

She was the center of attraction not for what she was doing but for her looks and curves as well. I positioned myself towards her back and buried my face into the back of her neck while my hands explored her flat naval region unto the lower edges of her bra. The reactions were absolutely shocking ones –

She pushed her hips into my crotch, put her hands on mine while I explored her naval area, pushed her head back towards mine and moaned so loudly as if she was in her personal room with her husband. The response made one and all adjust their tent poles. A comment came by, coming from Ashok made it even more shocking.

Ashok: Oh!! What a lovely slut you are.

Ashok’s comment fuelled something deep within Sunita, for sure. I was the one around her and could gather that she loved the comment. Every single kiss that I was giving to the back of her neck was getting sleazier responses from her, especially after the comment.

My hands were not able to cross the boundary of the lower edge of her bra, something within me stopped it there. Sunita placed her hands on top of mine and slowly guided my palms up as I reached the lower edge of her bra.

My palms were for the first time placed on her bra cup, feeling her breasts for the first time. I gently cupped her boobs and stopped, Sunita took my hands and whispered into my ears “Please don’t stop, feel me more”. I could feel heat coming out from her lips as she whispered in my ears.

I felt like undoing her blouse and her bra and feel her well in front of all the friends. I started to slowly kiss her back and see all my friends at the same time. I could see a few hands moving more than briskly over their pants. I was getting ideas with every passing moment.

I slowly pushed my hands on to the bottom edge of her bra and pushed my hands up, exposing a lot of her cleavage – for all to see. I never knew what all was going to happen. We all would go to what levels – only time would tell that.

A comment came in you lucky bastard, I want to switch places with you”.

A shiver ran up Sunita’s spine as she heard the comment. Sunita felt so very slutty hearing the remark. She got pretty excited, so excited that she blew him a small kiss. She bent directly towards the guy who had passed the comment) like a perfect seductress, taking her own sweet time to stand back again.

Exposing enough to titillate and make their imaginations and hands go wilder. Her face was glowing with lust. It was her moment. I just followed her cue, did not want to spoil her lusty moments. Sunk my lips into her collar bone and slowly moved lower towards her cleavage.

Another comment zoomed in “what’s her taste like? Every comment was making it harder for me. She was getting over aggressive after every single comment. Sunita was imagining something, I don’t know what. She had closed her eyes and was enjoying every single thing that was happening – the kisses, comments, her moans, everything.

Her smell, baby soft skin and everything made me mad with passion and lust. What made it even harder was the perfect shape of her cleavage above her blouse. The mound was teasing enough to fire your loin. My lips settled perfectly at the top of her cleavage and I started to suck wildly, almost as if sucking out her boobs from her blouse.

Sunita had never experienced such sucks before in life, it seemed. I could gather this from her reactions – her nails were sinking rather deep on my shoulders while I sucked. I knew what I was doing, giving a Love bite.

A few more wild sucks and wilder moans later, there it was, a perfect love bite on top of her cleavage. She looked directly into Ashok’s eyes (her husband) and was showing off the new experience she just had.

A comment happened again Miss, call me next. I want the pleasure of giving you a love bite on the other one. Sunita heard the comment and looked at me invitingly. I moved away and said

Me: That was some emotions you stirred UP (did not make any attempt to hide my raging hard on. Can you demonstrate an equally emotional kiss to everyone present here?”

She did not expect me to stop, rather did not want me to stop. Every expression, every move she made conveyed quite clearly that she did not like this break.

She: “Sir, as I told you before, you have a special place in my heart and hence the flow of emotions was easy.”

Her words were having a perfect effect on my mind and body. I wanted to take it slow and she, it seemed, was in no mood to stop now.

Me: “Yes, you told me that”.

I could not gather what to say and do at this moment. Slightly confused, I looked towards her and wanted to explore more of her body but it would have been bad on my part to enjoy her singularly with the basic inhibition broken and the comments happening, I knew many were open to the thought of open indulgence now.

The question was should I go at her or should I get someone else to do the honors and then an idea happened.

Me: I guess you were pretty excited by the comments that came”

Sunita blushed like a newlywed on being asked about the commenting thing.

She: “Yes, Sir coming from him (looking towards her husband) made it very exciting for me. Every lady loves to hear comments about her beauty. I get compliments of all kinds from friends and their husbands. No one passes sexy comments on me since I got married.”

Me: “Seems you got those kinds of comments when you were not married and you cherished them a lot.”

She just stood there, not replying. Forcing me to decide and make the move. One thing was totally clear to all that she was in some heat. My mind started to work to increase her heat some more.

Me: “You are in such a good shape. Don’t you get such comments anymore?”

Sunita was totally floored and just stood there silently.

A comment came in ” the truth, nothing but the truth please.”

Just like those courtroom vows, a gentle laughter broke in the room. It lightened the atmosphere, a shade.

Me: “Which comment excited you the most?

Sunita looked at Ashok, then back towards me – almost pleading to stop the questioning on these lines. Ashok just ignored her and left her to handle herself alone. He rather added fuel to the whole comment issue.

Ashok: “Miss, four of us passed comments at you which excited you the most?

Sunita hid her face behind her palms. She was excited but something just did not make her answer this question.

A friend who had passed comment asked was it me?

The other friend added: “Or me?

Sunita meekly replied: “The last comment
The guy who had given the last comment was now the centre of attraction, everyone was looking at him. Everybody was wondering how was he able to give such a comment.

He was supposed to be one of the safest guys, decent to the core. The buzz started and soon withered away anticipating what would come next. I knew exactly how to spice up the interview further.

Me (pointing towards the friend who had passed the last comment why don’t you make your way up to the stage? Your comment has been liked much and you need to do justice to it.”

The guy, Anoop, did not know at all how to react. His face was going white and had started to perspire also. I knew internally, however, that he was a smart enough guy to manoeuvre himself out of this situation. He gathered enough courage and tried to speak loudly, his voice shaking due to nervousness

Anoop: I really don’t deserve the honors. It is Ashok who started the commenting business and got the lady horny. I feel he should be the one who should come up on stage and not me”

Me: I agree with you totally Anoop that Ashok should have the honors. But since your comment was most liked by her, you will have to stay here on stage while Ashok does the honors”

The relief from Anoop’s face had already vanished, he was almost pleading to be excused but there was no respite for him. I left Ashok and Anoop to handle Sunita. Now they would know what I was handling all the time.

It was hard to perform in such a delicate situation all the time. The question was that of reputation and with other friends and their wives watching – it mattered a lot. Up to this point, I was the stud. A part of me never wanted to leave the centre stage but another part of me, the voyeur, wanted to watch things from a distance as well.

It was the reputation of Ashok and Anoop at stake now, every single pair of eyes on them. Believe me, it was not easy at all. They both looked nervous. I could understand why Anoop was nervous but Ashok’s nervousness was unexplained.

Ashok: “I really don’t have a clue as to how to give a lovebite”

That was some revelation. A few friends laughed but the way he spoke the truth, his confession must have surely melted a few hearts. The ones who did not know how to give a Love bite could understand the power of his confession. I could see Sunita feeling uncomfortable to see Ashok (her husband in a spot of bother. She came in to his rescue.

She: Anoop here had passed a comment that he wanted to give a love bite on my cleavage. He surely must know how to give one. Anoop can guide you.”

She came in close towards Ashok and took his hands into hers, to comfort him. It was a sweet gesture and everybody could feel the love they shared. Ashok had put his arms around her back as they stood together, waiting for Anoop to react.

Anoop knew he was left with no other option but to take her on. It would caste an otherwise impression on the ladies present in the crowd. He was more like a cornered dog who had no place to escape. Taking a few deep breaths, he decided to go for it.

Anoop: “That was very truthful of you to confess. You need to first get into the groove. Something has to happen between you two and then you can decide to go for the love bite. It would sound pretty wham bam ma’am kinds if you straight away go for a love bite. So feel her some, kiss her some, get her excited and yourself as well. I will tell you the rest thereafter.”

Every single person heard Anoop with an open jaw, out of astonishment. No one had ever imagined Anoop to be so bold. His advices were spot on. It was time for some comments, the first one came from me and my tone certainly had a ring of cheapness to it.

Me: “Ashok, enjoy yourself

Sunita again had that look, hearing my comment. I was not sure how she would react to my comment but decided to just say what I actually felt, at the moment. Touchwood, she did not take it the other way.

A few ladies were caught adjusting their postures and guys were caught adjusting their tent poles. It seemed we all, present in the hall, we’re a group of friends who had much in common – including a love for cheap comments.

Ashok came close to Sunita, put his arms around her back and hugged her. She hugged him back as well. Another comment happened: “You have a total slut at hand and you are treating her like a wife”

The comment was absolutely perfect so it was quite natural that the desired effect was perfect too. Ashok went wilder hearing the comment. He pushed his groin hard into her crotch while holding her ass. His other hand was busy pulling her close to him, so he could feel her breasts on his chest.

At the same time, he was kissing her wild enough to make her moan with pleasure. Sunita was equally ferocious this time. She had put her hands on his cheek and pulling him up close to reciprocate him with even wilder kisses. The more wildly he went for her, the more was the silence around the place.

The more silent it became, sounds of people rubbing their crotches became clearer. It was not an orgy but nothing short of it as well. Ashok being her husband knew that Sunita must be very close to experiencing body shattering orgasm.

He did not care about the love bite at the moment. His mind was furiously working out a way to make her experience bliss. His crotch was pushing hard into hers, the harder he pushed – the more Sunita moaned. He knew exactly how to go about it.

He released his other hand on her back and slid it down towards her panties. His other hand was massaging, kneading and pinching her full hips. His fingers gently made way towards her ass crack.

Sunita could feel every cell of her body responding to Ashok’s touches and the eyesight of all present there. She could feel her cells tingling beyond her control. Her clitoris was standing up like a small penis even a touch of Ashok’s her finger could have triggered an enormous explosion inside her.

She tried to manoeuvre her fingers towards her crotch but Ashok’s violent, jerky movements were not letting it happen. What was happening was an even bigger pleasure for her. She was like a putty in his hands, wanting a release – more than anything else.

She was totally consumed, was moaning like a champion slut and not ashamed at all. Ashok was gyrating into her pelvis region as if someone was making love.

Even the mild gyrations were causing her to gasp. Ashok loved it so much that he had pulled away his hand from her hips on to her breasts and was feeling them quite roughly. Every single person knew where this was heading.

Anoop, standing close to them, had a little smile on his face and a mischievous one. He moved in and stopped them from going further.

Anoop: “I told you guys to do something, not everything. Well, you have indeed warmed up each other well and us too.”

Anoop’s words were making Sunita blush even harder. We all wondered how much more color could she take on her cheeks. He continued…

Anoop: “Did you forget the lovebite part? It can surely happen when you have such a lady at hand”

It was everybody’s turn to blush. Anoop was passing some lewd comments.

Anoop: “Love Bite is something which happens naturally and one cannot just manufacture it artificially. I can surely guide you the technique. The result will depend on how well you execute the learning.”

Sunita, Ashok and all of us actually hated this break. Everybody could feel seeing Sunita that she was close to an orgasm and this break would cool things off. However, the way Anoop was going was good too.

Anoop came close to Sunita and started to check her out quite visually. His checking out was too had an obvious effect on Sunita and the crowd as well. He was getting bolder and cheaper by the passing moment and it needed no expert to come to this inference. What happened next was a proof of that.

Anoop: “I prefer places which have enough flesh.” He put his fingers on her cleavage and trailed it all around her breasts. “You can give a love bite anywhere on this sexy bosom. You can give it on her cheeks, neck, naval and her awesome ass as well. Much depends on you and your liking.”

Ashok could see goose bumps appearing on her hand as Anoop’s finger explored her different body part while explaining to him. Sunita just stood there with her eyes closed, wishing and hoping that it continued. Her own build up was making her desperate.

Ashok: “How do you exactly give a Love bite?”

Anoop (smirked): “It is nice to know that you are excited to learn the skill. Come here, I will show you. Do you want me to give a practical demonstration on her?”

Anoop had some guts to be so bold and direct. He would surely be the most sought after guy, soon. Sunita stood there, like an obedient slut.

Anoop: “You have to place your lips on the part you desire to give the love bite and suck. You obviously have to release and then suck again. When you suck, ensure a bit of suction happens. Suction is what causes the love bite.”

Anoop took Sunita’s hands into his and pulled her close to Ashok.

Anoop: “She wanted a love bite on the other one so you can go for it now.”

Sunita stood there like an obedient student, biting her lower lips.

Ashok looked at her and then placed his lips on the top of cleavage of the other breasts and started to suck at it.

However, he was not able to give one. He tried again but nothing happened. Anoop stood there all the time observing and enjoying. The silence was such that we could even hear Sunita’s heartbeat from a distance.

Anoop: “You just need to create suction where you place your lips. Observe me closely now.”

Before Sunita could understand what was happening, Anoop had placed his lips on her neck and had started to suck at it like a professional kisser. Sunita’s was in seventh heaven. He was going to be a serious contender for all the so called studs here. Ladies had a different look all together seeing him give the love bite.

What happened next was the most shocking incidence (yet) in our circle of friends. Ashok did not wait for Anoop to go away. Instead, he took her cleavage between his lips and started to suck at her boobs even as Anoop was giving the love bite on her neck.

It was simply too much for Sunita. One of her hands was in Anoop’s mane and another on Ashok’s mane as they were giving Sunita the time of her life. Sunita knew she could not have desired anything more than what was happening at the moment, seeing her three trophies (the love bite’s). Wish she knew what all was to come.

It seemed that we, as a group of friends, were getting used to newer discoveries and shocks.

Anoop’s Wife got up this time and said “Miss, can you teach and give a girl an equally emotional kiss?”

The whole group was zapped, mouth’s open (including Anoop).

The whole group looked forward to how Sunita would react. It could not be denied that every single male would simply love if this act went forward and so it reflected on their faces as well. The ladies gave mixed feelers and looks. One thing was common though every single person present in the group was super horny.

Sunita face gave the look of being confused but her eyes made it clear that she was going to go ahead with this act.

Sunita: “What was your question Seema?”

Seema (Anoop’s wife): “Miss, can you teach and give a girl an equally emotional kiss?”

Sunita’s voice had the tone like that of a teacher – soft, stern and commanding. It justified the act so much more.

Sunita: “Since you are a student, I am intrigued by your question. You have the looks of a model and a figure to go along with that too.”

Seema (barging in): “I got married early with the love of my life (looking at Ashok) and I am completing my studies now.”

Since the whole act was that of teaching students in a class, everything happening had to be on those lines. Seema’s new angle, of being a married student, added newer dimensions to the whole thing happening.

Sunita: well I am sure you must have had a lot of dicks by the time you got married, how many to be exact?”

Seema sure felt the effect of the question, her face quite white and her body trembled.

Seema: “How is this relevant to the question I asked? You please clarify the question I asked you.”

Sunita: “It is relevant to the question you asked. (Looking towards Anoop – Seema’s husband) If you don’t want to answer it, i can understand. It is fine.

Seema: “If that is the case than I will surely answer your question.”

Anoop kept his finger crossed and waited for her answer….

Seema: “I never had any boyfriend before my marriage.”

Sunita (chuckling): “Is a boyfriend necessary for having a dick?”

Seema visually blushed at Sunita’s question. A few male members of the group were very obviously stroking there dick’s (through their pants) and the rest were busy adjusting their tent poles.

Seema: “I quite understand your implication. If you want a very clear answer to your question – No, I never had any dick before my marriage.”

Anoop felt a sigh of relief hearing the answer, his face and whole being relaxed hearing this.

Seema: “Now that I have answered your question, you please answer mine. If you are not able to give a suitable demonstration of what I had asked you, please tell the trustees the same. I think there is no need to mention that the job will be open to other suitable teacher.”

The tone with which Seema spoke was quite challenging and it must have poked at Sunita’s ego hard, quite hard. Everything that had happened up till now was more in lighter, adultish senses but the turn that this act took was much more serious. They both wanted the attention and wanted to prove to others as well that they were the best.

Sunita: “I think you should leave that decision to the trustees and not bug your little head over that. As for your question, I personally believe that it is not much of an issue. I will clarify it to you in a bit. Have patience and answer a few more of my questions”

Sunita acted and sounded more like a bitch at this point of time.

Sunita: “I would like to ponder a bit here and ask you before I go any further. How is your sex life?”

Seema’s cheek colored up a lot more as she tried to answer…

Seema: “We have sex more than 5 times a week, if that is what you want to know.”

Anoop and Seema were married for more than 3 years now and an average of more than 5 times a week left people guessing. Every present couple was looking towards their partner, trying to digest these averages.

Sunita: “That is quite some average. So who ensures that the average is maintained?”

Seema (with pride): “Marriage is all about co-ordination and you can say it is a co-ordinated effort which keeps IT going.”

Sunita: “So you mean to say that you are equally active and excite him to get into the bed?”

Sunita’s questioning was getting people nervous. I for one knew that Seema was in great trouble.

Seema: “Yes. Should I need to add that it is THE love that we have for each other that keeps IT going as well”

Sunita: “hmmm. So you have the two most important ingredients going in your life – love for each other and a great sex life as well. That is very nice, so very nice. Then why does this question come to your mind, the question that you had asked me.”

Seema visually freaked out. She knew that Sunita had gained the upper hand and was coming all guns blazing at her.

Seema: “You can say it is curiosity.”

Sunita: “I think it is more than curiosity. I will answer your question here. Yes, I can teach and give a girl an equally emotional kiss. Do you want to learn?”

Seema was totally cornered and did not know how to react. Ashok sensed a need to barge in and help Seema out.

Ashok: “Well, Miss everybody has certain desires and kinks. One explores them in their mind and we term them as fantasies. We can all see it quite clearly that Seema here asked a question and she got the reply from you as well.

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