A challenge

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Hello all iss readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story u can mail me on [email protected] or [email protected] As I walked into the dimly lit room, I could smell the heat in the air. The note had said, “Room 469, 1:00pm. Wear something easily removed.” It had been typed, but when it had been delivered with a dozen white and fuchsia gladiolas, I knew it was from one or the other of them. Maybe both. Also, it didn’t say which hotel, so I assumed it would be the one place the 3 of us had rendezvoused several times before. The key attached to the note did not have a tag, and the only marking was the room number etched on the top of one side. So here I stood, proven correct in my assumptions about the location, yet still unconfirmed on the author of the note. As I took a few steps in, the door closed behind me and swiftly a soft silky blindfold was wrapped around my eyes from behind. My hands were taken and when I tried to speak, a finger was placed to my lips to quiet my questioning. I smiled as I inhaled the scent of the hand below my nose. I knew that smell. I was led to what felt like an overstuffed, high-backed chair several feet across the room from where I had entered. My wrists were bound, comfortably, to the arms of the chair as I sat. I felt movement in front and behind me and breathed deeply to assure myself that these scents were the ones so familiar to me. They were. My two lovers were here. I was certain of that. I felt safe and relaxed a bit. But a moment later, while still feeling them move around me doing who-knows-what, I caught another scent. One I could not put a face to, but certainly knew to be that of a woman.

As music began to play, just loud enough to mask any mistaken whispers in the otherwise silent room, I felt my lovers come to either side of me. One strong hand reached behind me to the small of my back, arching my body forward and pushing my breasts out. I felt a point of cold steel softly touch my neck and slowly trace down my body to the base of my shirt. I heard scissors open and deftly slice my shirt from my body, causing a quiver of fear and excitement to run down my spine. Again the scissors cut, this time up each sleeve so my shirt fell from my torso to be lifted away as my other lover removed his hand from my back. Next, my feet were lifted, gently yet firmly, to rest on the shoulders on one lover sitting in front of me. His hands slid up my legs as my heels rested against his chest. Up under my skirt until he lifted my tight ass off the chair. My other lover smoothly pulled my skirt over my hips and ass as I was lowered again and hands were slid down my legs to finish removing my garment. Clad now only in my bra, garter and stockings and heels, I felt them move away from me. I let a small moan of desire escape my lips and I could sense them looking at me and I knew they would be smiling.

Suddenly, the smell of the woman in the room was over whelming. I realized she was right next to me, somewhere. But there was no connection, so how was I to predict what she would do? I felt my heart start to quicken and fear began to creep up on me, until I heard the heavy breath of my men across the room.

“Relax.” I told myself. “They are still here. You’re safe.”

As I relaxed I could begin to feel where her eyes were upon me. I felt the burn of a stare across my already hard breasts as my skin prickled. Her fingers were so softly, like butterfly wings, touching the skin along the edge of my bra. Then I felt the steel again as she cut the straps from my shoulders and cut between my breasts. Excitement again flooded me as her hot breath touched my skin. I heard their breath quicken as well as I felt her hands part my thighs and her lips surround my tender brown nipple. As she slid up my legs from my knees, I felt the warm wetness that I had missed so of late rubbing along my thighs. My hands strained at the soft ropes, longing to touch this sensuous creature on my lap now. Her pussy came to rest against my shaved cunt and her juice dripped on my swollen lips. Her hands were now caressing my tits as she licked and kissed up my neck and nibbled at my ears. As she roamed my body with her fingers, she undid my garter and removed it. Moving her hands between our legs, my pussy began to throb, desperately wanting to suck on those soft fingertips. But instead, I heard her juicy cunt accept her own fingers. She was masturbating on my pussy! I gasped in pleasure as I heard the sounds of my lovers touching themselves. How had they known? Why can’t I see her? All these things rushed in my head and out again as fast as I just began to enjoy the mysteriousness of this setup.

Her breath started to shorten as she pushed her wet pussy against my belly and raised herself straddling me to rub her clit on my breasts as she fingered herself. She began to cum, and as she did I knew from the smell in the air my lovers were too. Her juice spilled out on my chest and quickly she lowered herself and ground her still cumming cunt against mine, now beginning to cum from sheer excitement now as well. Her hand went behind my head and pulled my mouth forward to taste her sweaty skin. My mouth sought out that nipple and found it instinctively. As I rolled it between my teeth and lips, I felt another spray of her lovely smelling cum flow across my lap. Then her fingers, which until so recently had been buried inside her, moved to my lips, parting me from her salty sweet skin and leading me to taste her. As I sucked her wet fingers in my mouth I gasped…. I tasted one of the sweetest women I ever had, but I also tasted the distinct flavors of both my loves. I heard small laughs from the other side of the room as I licked her hand clean and she rose up off my lap and moved away. A few moments later, I heard the door shut and I knew she was gone. I was released from the chair; my blindfold removed and finally could see my lovers in the light. They stood there smiling and in their robes, as they handed me mine to wrap up in. Before I could ask, I was told, “She was a stripper in one of the clubs here. Tonight we are going to see how good your memory really is. We will go wherever you choose, as many places as you choose, but you must find her.” They grinned. “You’ve got all night, but if you don’t, we get to choose a punishment for you.” Hmmm…. Well, either way I couldn’t loose.

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