Some time had elapsed since I had the opportunity to witness something exciting. It was perhaps my endless patience that finally paid off almost 5 weeks after I had hoped something would happen in my brother’s room that will teach me a thing or two in the fine art of seduction perfected by my maestro brother.
I am Salim and this story mainly revolves around the sexcapades of my elder brother (older by about 5 years) Ijaz.
Ours is a dilapidated building in old Township of Meerut. I and my brother Ijaz had a common connecting door. We never used it. There was a wooden Almirah in my room, which was used to block that door. There was another door which I used to enter or leave my room. It lead to a common passage in our house. The blocked door had seen better days. It needed replacement for a long time. It had cracks and if lights are on in the other room and if you were sitting in dark, I could clearly see what was going on in my brother’s room. I used that door many times exactly for that purpose by sliding the cupboard a little making some space for me to peek into my brother’s room.
Through this cracked door of education, I learnt my first lessons in sex, when I saw my brother Ijaz seducing girls and women young and old. It would be more appropriate to say that the girls and women were eager to get seduced by my handsome, charming and strongly built brother with prolific man power (for the satisfaction of the opposite sex).
I saw Ijaz tempting his own elder Bhabhi (elder brother’s wife) Shazia. Not that she needed too much tempting. She was sex starved, wanted attention and was therefore an easy prey. The next was our young voluptuous maid, who also did not require too much tempting. The third one was a neighbour girl Mumtaz, who needed a bit of coaxing as well as pseudo sympathy, guidance, a dose of brotherly love and a tinge of titillation. She was the first one I know, who fell for my brother; although she was conservative and not easily seducible.
Ijaz spun a web of hallucinating fibres in the form of logical arguments to trap gullible but very beautiful Mumtaz. Mumtaz convinced herself that Ijaz had no intention to exploit her or harm her; rather, she thought that Ijaz obliged her by imparting sex education to her; which she could not get from anyone including her parents. In the first part of this story you read how Mumtaz had her first sexual encounter with my brother Ijaz. She experienced a series of unprecedented, titillating and sensuous waves reverberating in her fast throbbing heart. The desire to relive that intoxicating and exhilarating experience forced her think of Ijaz constantly. She was looking for some, any excuse to get some intimate time with Ijaz again.
Somewhere in a far remote corner of her mind, Ijaz’s logic did not make much sense. However, she was so overwhelmed by Ijaz’s manliness and smell of his manhood in her first encounter with him that she did not even acknowledge it. She emphatically rejected the thought that she was doing something wrong. What she felt in the presence of Ijaz, she had never felt before. She felt captured by some mesmerizing and hallucinating effect through his touch, his speech and what he did to her or what he made her do to him.
After Mumtaz touched and caressed my brother’s engorged cock, she experienced unprecedented emotions; feelings that never surfaced in her mind and heart before. She felt herself changed bodily in one day. She felt that she had grown up to be woman. She had seen children’s penises and had touched them whilst bathing her younger brothers. She never felt like that before. Of course, she knew her body was different from males. However, she did not know or understand the difference in physics or chemistry between two sexes. She wanted more and more of that hallucinating experience she had the other day. She argued to herself that she had to learn more from him as soon as she had the opportunity to be alone with him.
Quite some time passed since Mumtaz was last with Ijaz. In between Mumtaz had to leave to her mother’s place somewhere in the country side. She returned when her college opened after summer holidays. .
In public, Ijaz always maintained respectable distance between him and Mumtaz. He had to devise a plan again to be able to have her alone with him and Mumtaz unknowingly (or perhaps knowingly) gave him the opportunity. Her parents had to be away to their native place for a social engagement. She pleaded to her parents that she could not go with them as her classes were on and she could not be absent. Her parents let Mumtaz remain home with her younger brother and asked Ijaz to look after them in their absence.
Ijaz gladly accepted the responsibility. It gave him an excuse to be with Mumtaz. He saw this as a wonderful opportunity to work further on the girl of his dreams. However, Ijaz was a cool guy. He worked to a plan. The next day Mumtaz was on her way to her college. Ijaz was at the bus stop when Mumtaz walked in. After usual hello and hi, she stood there hoping for Ijaz to take some initiative. Ijaz asked her about where her brother was. Mumtaz did not hesitate to come close to Ijaz and replied that her brother was quite happy to stay alone in the house and studied his lessons.
Ijaaz asked her when she could come to his house, Mumtaz blushed and blurted out that she wanted to come to him for guidance on some questions she could not solve, in her studies. She however hesitated for she did not want to disturb him. From Mumtaz’s half enthusiastic response, Ijaz easily guessed that she was willing but hesitant. Ijaz asked Mumtaz to come his room the next afternoon, when all would be away.
I was damned lucky to be in my room when Mumtaz entered Ijaz’s room. I carefully shifted the furniture to get a perfect view of my brother’s room from a vantage point, which I had painstakingly prepared by drilling a hole such that it gave me cinema scope view of my brother’s room. I could sit comfortably on a high stool in my room and watch the show without having to stand, bend or kneel on my knees.
Mumtaz had some books and as soon as she entered, she opened her books and started to ask some questions that she was unable to understand. Ijaz was good in studies and his answers seemed to satisfy Mumtaz. They must have spent half an hour in this exercise. After she was finished, she should have got up to leave. She sat awkwardly on the sofa instead, waiting for Ijaz to say something. The stalemate continued for a while as neither Mumtaz nor my brother took initiative. I could clearly feel sexual heat in the environment. Each expected the other to take the initiative.
After a while Mumtaz got up to leave. Ijaz asked her if she would like tea. Mumtaz promptly replied that she would. She told Ijaz that she would make tea for both of them. Mumtaz walked into the corner towards a small pantry with a gas stove to heat food stuff and make tea, coffee etc. She said that she did not know where all the stuff like tea leaves, sugar etc. were located. This was a signal for Ijaz to follow her.
The pantry was small and could barely accommodate two persons. Ijaz and Mumtaz were presed against each other. Ijaz showed where the bottles of tea and sugar etc were kept. Mumtaz stretched to reach them. The shelf was a bit higher than she could reach. I was seeing their backs from my position. Suddenly Ijaz reached from behind Mumtaz and lifted her up inserting his hands inside her armpits. In the process he poked his hard cock onto her well shaped behind and touched the periphery of her breasts.
The poor young girl was overwhelmed by intimate physical touch of Ijaz’s body. She felt poking of his cock on her ass. Without reacting, she hurriedly reached and collected tea and sugar bottles. When Ijaz brought her down, she turned slightly to face Ijaz and looked into his eyes like a goat looks into the eyes of a tiger, when it gets trapped into Tiger’s paws. I could not see her eyes clearly but could well imagine how she must have mated her eyes with Ijaz’s for those few moments.
Mumtaz turned and hurriedly began making tea; as Ijaz withdrew and walked back to the sitting room. There was complete silence in the room. The situation was tense and filled with sexual nervousness. As Mumtaz returned with the tea pot, her trembling hands made chinaware shake, making a clinking sound. Her face clearly revealed her state of mind.
She sat nervously opposite Ijaz and with shaking hands she poured tea into two cups. She raised the cup with a saucer and offered it to Ijaz with shaking hand. As Ijaz was about to take the cup, the cup slipped from Mumtaz’s hands. She dropped the cup full of hot tea. The cup fell right onto her shoulder and dropped onto the floor, shattered into pieces. She cried out loud in pain caused by sizzling hot tea flowing down her chest, knees and legs.
Without giving a second thought, Ijaz lifted Mumtaz in his strong arms and rushed her to the washroom. He began throwing cold water on her dress and body. Mumtaz was wearing a loose flowing skirt and a loose thin cotton shirt. Hot tea had fallen on her chest. She was trying to pull her blouse away from her skin. Ijaz saw this. He lifted a bucket full of water and poured it all on top of Mumtaz’s head.
Water poured by Ijaz drenched Mumtaz completely. Water flowed down her shoulders soaking her dress. Ijaz’s quick action saved any skin damage to Mumtaz. She was a lot more comfortable and perhaps grateful to Ijaz for his quick action. She stood drenched completely in the bathroom feeling a lot relieved from the hot liquid scorching her skin. She stopped crying. She had however, another problem to deal with. She looked almost completely naked with the clothing stuck on her skin and unable to hide her body. She had chosen fine thin cloth dress to wear that day and the cloth snugly stuck to her skin exposing her fully.
Ijaz bent down and lifted her skirt right up to her thighs to check if she had any burns on her legs. Mumtaz was too dazed to react.
I could see her two breasts, which prominently stood out with the cloth sticking on her skin and making them clearly visible. I could even see her areolas and erect nipples from where I was. Area between her thighs was visible. She stood shaking with cold trying to regain her composure. Obviously she must have made a mind blowing spectacle for my brother, who was right there with her.
Mumtaz noticed Ijaz eyeing her breasts, her thighs and her entire body lustily. She tried to cover her breasts with her arms, to prevent Ijaz from seeing them. She was standing awkwardly in front of Ijaz looking almost naked. My brother was master in the art of seduction. He knew how to play his cards. He did not try to take advantage of his position. Instead, Ijaz quickly rushed to his wardrobe and extracted a large towel. He quickly wrapped it around her and walked out of the washroom to let the dazed and embarrassed girl dry and change alone. As Ijaz walked out, he closed the washroom door behind him.
I could guess that that gesture must have boosted up Ijaz’s rating in Mumtaz’s eyes. She saw him as a saviour from hot burns and then a chivalrous man who did not take advantage of her when she was vulnerable.
After a few minutes, Mumtaz emerged from the washroom. She had discarded all her clothing in the washroom and was in Ijaz’s rather large towel; which covered her body fully. She had tied the towel well above her chest. However, she looked sexier in the towel than before. I knew she had nothing underneath. I also knew that she was far more vulnerable in a towel than when she was fully drenched with her clothes on. As she entered back into the room, the naïve girl smiled at Ijaz, probably conveying her thanks for his care.
Ijaz asked if she was feeling better; to which she said she was. The she lifted her one leg a little and scratched the other leg with her toe. Ijaz promptly noticed that. He said, “Mumtaz please sit down. Perhaps you have a slight burn there on your skin. Let me check there and if required apply some antiseptic cream.” Mumtaz sat on the bed obediently.
Ijaz sat down on the floor and lifted her towel a wee bit to check her skin above her ankles. I knew that if he had lifted the towel a bit more, he could have seen quite a lot of her. However, he quickly replaced the towel, got up and said, “I see some red spots there. It would be better if I applied some anti-septic lotion.” Without waiting for her reply, Ijaz went to his table and extracted antiseptic lotion bottle from one of the drawers and returned quickly.
He went back to his position on the floor and lifted Mumtaz’s towel a little bit higher than before to apply the anti-septic lotion on her legs. He extracted a generous portion of the cream and pasted it on his fingers and in his palms. He then began applying it on and above her ankles massaging her legs with his fingers gently and lovingly. I saw Mumtaz enjoying Ijaz’s touch with her eyes closed. Since Ijaz was only massaging her toes and ankles she did not feel alarmed.
This was a golden opportunity for Ijaz and he knew exactly what he was doing. Ijaz then said, “Mumtaz this lotion would completely remove any trace of burns from your skin and heal your skin fully. Should I carry on?” I knew the bastard wanted to go up.
Poor girl probably did not have an idea of the sinister plan that was cooking in Ijaz’s mind (or did she?)” She opened her eyes a little, looked at Ijaz for a few seconds and closed them without saying anything. Ijaz knew he had her approval.
Ijaz inched his gentle and deliberately slow massage up to her calf muscle. He waited for her reaction. Mumtaz still had her eyes closed. She sat quiet without reacting to his touch on her calf muscle just below her knees. Ijaz continued his gentle massage as he inched up wards and applied ointment on her knees. He saw her silent consent to his moves. Ijaz next moved closer to the bed and took both her hanging legs in his lap with her toes touching his cock. Ijaz saw Mumtaz open her eyes but was quiet. He resumed applying ointment on her knees.
She closed her eyes again. Ijaz knew that she was enjoying his gentle massage. Ijaz asked her, “Are you feeling better?” Mumtaz again opened her eyes, nodded her head but said nothing.
That was the turning point for Ijaz. He knew that she was perhaps ready for the next session. He slowly opened her towel a bit higher and began massaging her skin above her knees. Her thighs were supple and smooth. Application of the ointment and massaging her muscle must have given a dizzy feeling to Mumtaz. I saw my brother then not just applying the ointment but massaging her thighs like a professional masseur. His massage was sending shivers down Mumtaz’s body.
As Ijaz inched upwards, Mumtaz began to squirm on the bed. She was experiencing sweet tingling feeling which made adrenalin in her veins rush at dizzying velocity. She was going through an unprecedented ecstasy as Ijaz massaged her thighs. Mumtaz knew he would soon reach her panties.
Mumtaz shuddered and got up with a jerk. She said mumbling half sentences, “Bhaiya, it is ok. I am feeling much better now. Thanks for your help.”
However, she realized that she could not leave Ijaz’s room because her dress was wet lying in the washroom in a bucket. She could not go out in the towel and Ijaz had no lady’s dress in his wardrobe. She felt helpless. She was caught in a dire situation.
Mumtaz was all wrapped in the towel. She had clutched the towel tightly in her hands and looked at Ijaz with that pitiful look. A look of a prey when it is about to be pounced upon by a powerful hunting animal and the prey knows that it has nowhere to run. She was visibly embarrassed at having to wear the towel and nothing underneath. The towel did cover her modesty; yet it opened up Ijaz’s (and mine too) imagination to unlimited heights. Mumtaz saw lusty looks in Ijaz’s eyes. Perhaps she did not understand the lust contained in Ijaz’s eyes, (although I doubted it) and asked Ijaz, “Bhaiya why are you looking at me like that?”
Words slipped out of Ijaz’s mouth, “Mumtaz, you are so beautiful.” This made Mumtaz blush profusely. She was quiet for a while digesting Ijaz’s compliments.
In her college her friends always kept talking about her beauty and cautioned her that “You are so beautiful that someday a man will come and sweep you off your feet and make you his.” At that time, she did not know what “Sweep you off your feet” meant. She now realized perhaps that the time had come. She felt that their forecast seemed to prove correct. Ijaz looked like the person to sweep her off her feet.
Ijaz had almost swept her feet. She was already feeling weak in her legs by the look on Ijaz’s face. He was staring at her hidden body. She did not know what to say. Ijaz kept looking at her questioningly seeking her response.
She dodged his look and stammered, “Bhaiya, don’t look at me like that. You are pulling my leg. I am not that beautiful.”
He said softly, “Mumtaz, you are beautiful and lovely. You deserve love. You deserve plenty of love. You need to experience what real love is like.” Mumtazz heard him with rapt attention. She was attentive, though she kept her eyes closed.
Ijaz moved close to Mumtaz, made her sit on bed with her legs hanging down and said in his soft voice, “As I told you, man has penis and a woman has a pussy. I have penis and you have pussy, right?”
Mumtaz nodded her head instinctively. Ijaz sat down again on the floor. He once again placed her legs in his lap. He then lifted her towel fairly high and began caressing her thighs affectionately. Mumtaz looked at Ijaz with awe at his matter of fact attitude. He had no shame or embarrassment and spoke like a wise man, “Just as a man’s penis oozes out fluids, when sexually excited, a girl’s pussy also oozes out fluids, when she is sexually excited. This fluid is also called ‘Love Juice’ Look your pussy has also started oozing out love juice so much that my hand is getting wet. Obviously, you are excited.”
Mumtaz could not bear the caresses of Ijaz’s hand so close to her point of ecstasy. She was half afraid and half hoping his hand would soon be on her shaved pussy mound.
I looked at Mumtaz’s face, she had closed her eyes and was perhaps, savouring the experience of Ijaz’s hands caressing her thighs. She badly wanted him to inch upwards and feel her pussy lips. She must have waxed her hair and trimmed her pubic hair in anticipation of something like this to happen, because Ijaz exclaimed, “Gosh, your legs are so smooth!”
Mumtaz had locked her eyes and her lips. It was obvious she was enjoying Ijaz caressing her thighs. Ijaz realized that she was waiting for him to touch her love hole. He slowly inched her hands upwards. He must have been onto Mumtaz’s pussy lips, for Mumtaz shuddered perceptibly. Sitting from some distance even I could see her shudder. However, she remained where she was. I heard an “Oomph…” escaping her lips. That was a good enough signal for my brother to go ahead.
I then knew for sure that Ijaz was gently spreading her pussy lips, because I saw Mumtaz trembling and grinding her hips on the bed in anticipation. I was not sure if Ijaz had already inserted his fingers into her pussy or not.
Mumtaz knew her pussy was liberally oozing out her love juices. The explosive sensation rang fierce bells and a loud “Ooh!” escaped from Mumtaz’s lips. She had never experienced such feelings. She considered it immoral to insert her own fingers inside her pussy. She was tempted to do it many times. However, she had never done it except at times grazing the periphery of her pussy lips and rubbing them to get a bit of that unknown sensation. Her experience with Ijaz was far more intense and explosive when Ijaz was about to handle that part of her, which remained forbidden to anyone including her own self.
Mumtaz almost jumped out of bed when Ijaz must have inserted his fingers in her pussy. This was something out of this world for her. She felt completely intoxicated by the sensation. She was feeling a surge of some internal body sensation that made her convulse and stretch her body muscles. A swinging sensation and an explosive thundering of waves of pleasure overtook her.
As she convulsed and shuddered vigorously, her towel slipped from her hands and fell down on the bed. Gosh! What a sight it was! I had never before seen a naked woman. This was my first time and what a sight. She looked perfectly angelic, whose descriptions were available in books. She had completely fair body skin with such delicious curves that beat hollow any of naked girl’s pictures I had seen earlier. Her head was tilted on one side in shock as the towel fell away. Her eyes looked panicky trying to wonder what would follow. Her round face and pouty lips were wonder struck.
She kept her eyes closed hoping that like her, ijaz would also not be able to see what was in front of him. Her wet hair hung down dripping drops of water. She had breasts that magically stood erect proudly without the least of sag. Her rosy pink nipples stood arrogantly. They were so erect that I felt that I could perhaps hang a necklace on it. I would do anything to suck and nibble them with my teeth and lips. The nipples were not too big. However, they were prominent and almost translucent pink. Her areolas were dark chocolate coloured not very large that increased her sex appeal.
Her waist looked as if it replicated an hour glass. Her navel and belly button were a treat to watch, as if carved out of an artist’s imagination. Her pussy mound was clean shaven. I had learned from my friends that women have a growth of hair in their pubic region. I was therefore surprised. I suspected that she had perhaps prepared for the show. There was no other logical argument for a woman to keep her pussy so well shaved.
When she realized that she had dropped her towel, she froze. Her entire womanhood was exposed. Her parents took great care to ensure that none of her limbs are visible to an outsider. Even her hair was supposed to be kept covered. Amongst majority of their people, women even kept their faces shielded. Here she was completely naked standing in front of an outsider. For a moment she felt like committing suicide. Momentary feeling of self hatred submerged in her. Tears filled her eyes and she felt as if her life was meaningless. She had lost everything. She was about to cry out loud, when Ijaz took the towel, which had fallen down and wrapped her up in it.
He signalled her to tie it around above her chest. He then moved to take her in a close embrace. As soon as Ijaz took her in a tight hug and began softly speaking in soothing words, she burst out crying loudly. Perched up on that high stool, I wondered how my brother read her mind so well and knew what she was feeling at that time.
In a soft soothing note he said, “Mumtaz, you are no longer a teen age girl. You have now grown up to be a woman. You are a college going girl and an adult. In a year, you will be a career woman. You cannot be so timid. You have to learn the secrets of man and woman chemistry. We were all born naked. This is not some extraordinary situation. Men and women all over the world bare their bodies to each other and make love. Love is the essence of life. Don’t cry baby. I am there to protect you.”
Hearing such comforting words from Ijaz made her feel a lot better. I saw what looked like half a smile on her pretty innocent crying face. With the towel around her she felt a lot better. Ijaz made her sit again. He said, “I know what feelings were going on in your mind when I was touching and poking my fingers inside of your pussy. This is an experience that you must have when you are adult. You will love to have this ecstatic experience again and again. Let me introduce you to the secret of love. This love is different from the love of mother or father. Please be bold and enjoy it. Would you like me to?” ijaz looked at the gullible face of Mumtaz.
What was she supposed to say in that condition? She opened her eyes, looked at Ijaz, she flipped her eye lids twice. She then closed her eyes again. This was her way of saying “Yes”. Ijaz stood up. He made Mumtaz also stand and asked her to open her eyes. Mumtaz was directly looking into Ijaz’s face. Ijaz lowered his face gently and placed his lips on her lips. With one hand he took Mumtaz in a tight embrace and pulled her close to him. She was completely embedded into him as my brother began kissing Mumtaz. She did not know how to kiss. She however, let Ijaz do what he was doing and let her be in his grip offering no resistance. .
My brother was educating the naïve village damsel the art of kissing. He brushed his lips all over her lips, chin and all over her face. He licked her lips and her face with his tongue. He then told her, “Come on, don’t be shy. Kiss me as I kissed you.”
He made her kiss him and inserted his tongue inside her mouth. He sucked her saliva and made her suck his. Whilst he was kissing her, he slowly caught her hands holding the towel. With loving caress and comforting words, he made her loosen her grip of the towel as I saw the towel tumbling down. She stood naked in all her glory in front of my brother with her taught breasts poking the kurta (loose shirt) of my brother. As she released the towel and her hands became free, she wrapped them around Ijaz and pulled him still closer to her. By tightly embracing my brother, was she trying to hide her naked body? Was she trying to convey to Ijaz that she had finally decided to surrender herself completely to him? I did not know.
There was no tension, fear or regret in her eyes. Ijaz was able to replace her shame with burning passion. He had thrown away the lid that suppressed her latent passion. She was in real heat. She had experienced a little bit of the ecstatic pleasure when for a short time, Ijaz fingered her pussy. She wanted the whole of it.
A small act of Ijaz (of restoring her towel back on her body) had boosted her trust in Ijaz. She did not realize that that was a ploy aimed at achieving just that. She did not also realize that within minutes of covering her, he undressed her again, albeit with her implicit permission.
I was watching the couple engaged in an intimate and grossly sensuous embrace and I was sure I was going to watch the whole show from my vantage position to its logical conclusion. It became clear to me that then Mumtaz was ready to go all the way to experience what she had never experienced earlier. She had decided to surrender her body to my brother in full belief that he would not harm her.
Ijaz slowly lifted Mumtaz up in his arms and laid her beautiful naked body on the bed. He looked at the girl lying naked and looking so vulnerable and ready to accept him. He lowered his body again on her, placed his lips close to her lips and mumbled in her ears, “Are you enjoying this? Are you comfortable?”
Mumtaz did not speak, keeping her eyes closed and with half smile on her face, she answered him by wrapping her arms around Ijaz pulling him down on her. She was no longer that uncertain hesitating shy girl. With one hand I saw her tugging at Ijaz’s lungi (a wrap around cylindrically stitched cloth that covers men’s lower half). She wanted to feel Ijaz’s penis in her hands. Ijaz saw that she was eager to have him also naked. He quickly untied his knot, as his lungi fell down. Ijaz quickly dispensed with his vest to be fully naked.
Mumtaz pushed Ijaz away from her. Ijaz was surprised at the force of her push. Mumtaz made Ijaz stand down the bed. She sat up and caught his rock hard penis in her hands. Ijaz’s cock was fully covered with slippery fluid oozing continuously from a tiny orifice on his fair skin mushroom head. She caught the stem of his thick cock in her hands and looked at it with amazing expression. She caught his cock’s flaring bulbous head making a ring of her index finger and thumb and gently began to crank it.
It was Ijaz’s turn to experience unprecedented pleasure. I knew that he had been dreaming of fucking this lovely damsel for days endlessly. He must have masturbated for nights simply thinking of how it would feel to have this innocent and fresh girl in his arms and underneath him.
She had continued to hold his cock in her hands even whilst Ijaz shifted his position. For her this was an amazing limb of her favourite male. Ijaz was a favourite topic of all girls around and for Mumtaz, he was her hero. She proudly told her friends about how Ijaz chaperoned her and her brother. Her friends were jealous of Mumtaz for being so friendly with Ijaz.
She had her hero’s manhood in her hands and she was proud to caress it lovingly. Her regret was that she could not tell her friends of that. Ijaz saw her lovingly caressing his cock. She was quite taken in by the girth and length of Ijaz’s cock.
She wrapped her hands around Ijaz’s ass and pulled him towards her. She kissed Ijaz’s penis and slid her tongue around the girth of his penis’s bulbous head. She found the taste different. She liked it. There is a popular saying that if you love somebody madly, you even like his shit.
As Mumtaz was kissing Ijaz’s penis’s bulbous head, Ijaz gave a push and shoved his cock into her mouth. Ijaz wanted her to mouth it and give him a blowjob. Perhaps she did not know what blowjob was. She looked at Ijaz in surprise. She was afraid Ijaz’s meat rod may get hurt if her teeth ground against its tender skin. She opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around Ijaz’s cock taking care that her teeth do not come in contact with his cock. She was surprised to learn that Ijaz liked her to suck his cock.
She was delighted to make Ijaz happy. She wanted her hero to enjoy the intimacy that she could give him. She did not admit to herself that it was her cardinal desire that was driving her to please her male mate. It was to assuage her latent sexual tsunami that was driving her crazy in those intimate moments.
Ijaz was a master of seduction. He knew that Mumtaz wanted to please him and did not want to let this opportunity slip by. He began slowly thrusting his cock inside her mouth and then pulling it back a little. This was all a learning exercise for the naïve girl. She was learning preliminary lessons in love making. She studiously obeyed the subtle commands her mate Ijaz was giving her. She began to synchronize with Ijaz’s push and pull and began to suck and let slip back his cock in her mouth.
This exercise did not give her much pleasure. On the contrary she was feeling a bit of pain in her cheeks and lips. However, as Ijaz began pumping his rod in her mouth, she decided to bear the pain so as to give pleasure to her mate. Women always go to an extra length to please their men the world over and Mumtaz was no exception.
Mumtaz was not able to take all of Ijaz’s cock in her mouth. Yet whatever she could, she took care to let it slide in and out without her teeth touching or grazing it. She looked up at her mate, who was standing tall, fully stretched in anticipation of his reaching climax. Ijaz had his eyes closed and was savouring to and fro pumping of his cock in her mouth.
Suddenly she heard “Ooh… Aahhh..” sound coming from Ijaz’s mouth. In the same instant she felt a huge burst of creamy hot liquid pumping into her mouth. The force of the liquid, which flowed out of Ijaz’s cock was so much that some of it gushed out of her mouth and she had to unknowingly gulp down the most of it. She moved away to cough and clear her mouth. She did not know what happened and how so much liquid flowed out of Ijaz’s cock. She ran to the washroom with Ijaz’s semen dripping out of her lips.
This was an extra ordinary sight for me. I saw the beautiful naked girl running to the washroom with Ijaz’s semen full in her mouth and some of it falling down her cheeks, flowing down her breasts and then falling on the floor. I heard her gargle her mouth and come out of the washroom feeling pretty awkward walking naked in front of Ijaz. However, she was not as edgy as I had seen her when she had dropped her towel first in front of Ijaz.
Ijaz, master of seduction, that he was; made her sit by his side and caressed her back affectionately. She looked at his face, puzzled. Ijaz said, “Mumtaz dear, what you saw flowing out of my penis is called semen. Semen is the fluid that when gets into a woman’s womb, makes her pregnant.” He looked at the frightened face of Mumtaz. He took her in a close embrace and playing with one of her nipples said, “Dear I am more worried than you are. I will not make you pregnant. If you suck or gulp semen you cannot be pregnant. When this semen enters through your vagina into your womb only then you can get pregnant. Do you understand?”
Mumtaz dumbly nodded her head. It was clear from her face that she did not understand. Ijaz made Mumtaz lay on the bed. He looked at the lovely virgin naked girl lying on bed ready to be fucked by him. He caressed her mound lovingly. After a brief pause Ijaz inserted one finger into Mumtaz’s pussy and said, “Look, when semen goes into your pussy and reaches interior of your body, your body cells will catch them and combined, they will flourish into making a baby. Until the semen does not reach you womb, you cannot get pregnant. By simply inserting my fingers into your vagina I cannot make you pregnant.” Ijaz slowly inserted his two fingers into Mumtaz’s love hole and began to push and withdraw his fingers repeatedly. Her pussy was not just wet. It was full of slippery liquid which gave enough indications that she was highly aroused.
Ijaz increased the pace of his finger fucking. I saw expressions on Mumtaz’s face. She was going through convulsions and twisted and turned as Ijaz kept finger fucking her so fast that a huge sigh, “Agh… Ijazz, I am going crazy… what is happening to me? I never felt like this before.. Ahhh…” Looking at her grinding her ass on the bed, I knew she had a massive orgasm. I was pumping my own cock with my hand. I too had an explosive burst of cream jetting out of my cock.
Whilst finger fucking her; Ijazz constantly sucked her breasts one after another. He wanted to drive her so mad that he would not have to ask her to let him fuck her. He wanted her to beg him to fuck her. Ijaz realized that finger fucking proved to be explosive for her. She was having repeated orgasms. After a while, Mumtaz clutched Ijaz’s hands and said, “Bhaiya, please I want to feel your cock inside me and not your fingers. But I don’t want to be pregnant.” I saw Ijaz smile. He gestured at Mumtaz signalling her not to worry.
Ijaz got up. I saw his tall lithe naked figure walk across the room to a table. As he walked, I saw that his cock had become hard again. His cock moved sideways, standing erect, not drooping. His testicles hung and looked like two full blown berries. He pulled out a drawer and took out a condom. He went back towards Mumtaz and handed her the condom. She looked at it in wonder and asked, “What is this?”
I saw a trace of amusement crossing Ijaz’s face for a fleeting second. Then he said with all the seriousness at his command, “This is called condom. It is to protect my semen from entering your womb and making you pregnant. Now put it on this.” Ijaz said pointing at his erect cock.
Mumtaz moved forward and inserted the condom on Ijaz’s cock with care and meticulousness that is typical of women. After pulling it and ensuring that it fit the penis snugly, she looked at Ijaz, with anxiety, excitement and expectation. Ijaz made Mumtaz lie on bed and spread her legs wide apart. Her pussy was clearly visible to me also. Ijaz moved between her legs, raised her legs up and placed them on his shoulders. He inserted a pillow beneath her ass.
Mumtaz did not utter a word whilst obeying fully Ijaz’s direct or implicit instructions. She knew that Ijaz was going to make her experience what she had never experienced before. Yet she had full confidence that he would never harm her or do something that would demean her. He had always treated Mumtaz with full respect and was treating her with the utmost respect and affection; even at that time, when she was lying there naked and in the most vulnerable condition.
I saw my brother position his hard, fat and long cock at the entrance of Mumtaz’s love hole. I saw fear of God in Mumtaz’s eyes. I guessed it must have been for two reasons. Firstly, this was her first ever experience of any male cock fucking her. She did not know what to expect. Secondly, she was afraid of how such a big fat cock could get into her pussy hole, which she knew was so small and which had caused her pain even when Ijaz had inserted his two fingers. However, she did not utter a word.
Ijaz looked at her frightened expressions and stooped down on her and said, “Dear, do not worry, you will have some pain; but I shall be gentle and your pussy will slowly expand and take in my cock without too much pain. After some time, the pain will go away and you will enjoy this fully. What I am going to do is known as making love to a woman. People also call it fucking. I am going to make love to you now. Please remain calm and simply enjoy the experience. Are you ready?” Mumtaz opened her eyes and looked at her lover. She dropped her eye lids to indicate that she was.
Tears rolled down Mumtaz’s eyes as Ijaz inserted his cock slightly between Mumtaz’s pussy lips. Mumtaz caught Ijaz’s cock in her hands and rubbed it repeatedly on her leaking pussy. She pushed his cock slightly in hoping that it would not cause her pain. Ijaz pushed it in a little more and withdrew slightly. Mumtaz experienced no pain. She withdrew her hand and let Ijaz push it more into her. Ijaz pushed it a bit deeper than before. A muffled cry slipped from Mumtaz’s mouth. She experienced a little pain. Ijaz shoved in a little more. He withdrew and shoved a bit deeper. As he kept withdrawing and going deeper, Mumtaz felt more pain. However, she was determined to bear it for the pleasure of her mate.
Ijaz went deeper and deeper and with one big shove, he was fully inside her. She let out a big cry that alarmed me and surprised Ijaz. “Oh, mother… it is paining me, Ijaz, stop please. It is hurting me…” However, Ijaz was then fully inside her and had no intention to stop. Suddenly some blood oozed out of Mumtaz’s pussy and flowed over her abdomen. It made Ijaz’s cock red.
Looking at the blood coming out of her pussy, Mumtaz cried out in panic. Ijaz bent over her and kissed her on her lips and said, “Mumtaz, darling, please bear this pain a little. The blood that you see is due to rupturing of your hymen membrane. The first time a girl loses her virginity, her hymen ruptures. There is no need to worry. This is common. It will stop after a while.” Ijaz spoke in such soothing and reassuring words that Mumtaz kept quiet, although tears were flowing down her eyes. She was constantly looking at Ijaz’s face trying to judge the strength of his conviction and truthfulness. From the look of her eyes, I knew that she was satisfied with his reply.
There was one more factor that I felt was making her not oppose the Ijaz’s thrusts. She was then beginning to enjoy the shoves and thrusts of his cock and constant rubbing of his thick cock on the stretched out walls of her passage. She started to rid of pain and began to enjoy the rubbing of their skins. She started to experience such titillating joy and ecstasy that she had missed out since she gained her adulthood.
Mumtaz was no longer the naïve and innocent virgin anymore. She quickly learned the art of being fucked. She began to match her mate’s rhythm stroke by stroke. Her hesitation, shyness and naivety were gone. Gradually she became more and more involved with her lover. I saw her raising her buttocks to get more penetration and urged Ijazz to grab her boobs and chew her nipples. She kept moaning as Ijaz kept increasing pace of his fucking.
She held Ijaz by his naked waist and began to shout loud moans. She was getting wilder and wilder with each thrust. It was obvious that she was nearing her second or third orgasm. She gave out a hushed moan and cried out, “Ijaz, fuck me, I am getting on the edge. Suddenly she fell silent. I saw from the expression on her face that revealed that she had another explosive orgasm.
On this side of the door, I was masturbating again. I had already ejaculated once. I again ejaculated in another tissue. My heart was throbbing hard. I had witnessed a master craftsman trapping a gullible innocent but eager damsel into his web that men weave for their female mates to fall into knowingly.
Mumtaz’s convulsions and loud moans were matched by the slapping sound of Ijaz’s balls on her ass. As he had ejaculated once already in her mouth, Ijaz was able to sustain longer and kept going. Even after having three orgasms, Mumtaz was not satisfied. She had tasted the fruits of seduction and enjoyed her newly gained womanhood. The Master of Art of Seduction had his way with the most beautiful damsel in our area and had broken her virginity successfully.
From the author
This is part-2. I had not expected this story to be so exhaustive. I shall come out with part- 3 after I hear from my readers. This is a story of one of my readers, who has had this experience. Please do write back your comments. I shall respond to them. [email protected]