A Beautiful Journey – Part 3

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Hello, readers welcome to the beautiful journey. Thanks for your feedback for previous parts of the sex story, it helps me to make the story better and better. I am male and this story is completely a work of fiction. Let’s enjoy the journey.

Ayesha was growing younger day by day and her growth was making me happy. I could feel see the sprout of her little tiny breasts, just like a bud sprouting to become a beautiful flower. I made her wear slip (it is also known as spaghetti or shameez) and she was quite comfortable in that.

Most of the time she used to wear it is a top and nothing above when she was home but by the time she was teen I realized that now her real growth has started. I thought of buying few small sized bras for her. In fact I took her to the lingerie shop for her first bra and there was a sales girl who was with us to find a perfect bra for her. My daughter was little shy to get naked in front of her but I assured her that it is fine to get nude in front of females. I liked to see my daughter in her panties only and topless in front of that sales girl. Her little breasts were looking so cute.

Ayesha was little reluctant for bra though I had convinced her well home but at the shop she was refusing so I tried to convince her like,

“Ayesha please try to understand it is really good for you”

“But mumma I don’t like it. It suffocates me”

The salesgirl said in between;

“Wait Ayesha I will bring a net bra for you”

Soon she returned with a nice net bra. And I tried it on Ayesha but she was still willy-nilly so I said,

“Honey, everybody wears a bra, it is a must. You are a grown up girl now. It’s good to wear a bra. You are no more a kid.”

Ayesha asked that sales girl, “ Dee, do you also wear it?”

She just loaded her head. I wanted to take advantage of that situation so I said to that sales girl,

“If you don’t mind, will you please pull off your T shirt?”

She thought for a while and then she agreed. She removed her tee and was in a Beautiful pink bra.

I said to Ayesha, “See, how beautiful she looks! You can also look very beautiful if you wear a bra like her. The sales girl smiled, she was looking very beautiful and hot and I didn’t wanna miss that opportunity so I told her in a soft voice, “you are looking very sexy” and I couldn’t stop myself or touching her breast. She could only say, “Thank you mam” before I could think of anything else Ayesha said,

“Mamma I will have the same bra like dee, the same colour.” Immediately the sales girl left or changing room and came back with same pattern bra of ayesha’s size. It fitted well on her and I must say she looked very beautiful and sexy in that pink bra. I got a few bras packed for her and bought a few lingerie for myself of my hubby’s choice. I always prefer to be the kind of lingerie that my hubby likes to see me in. I was very thankful to that sales girl that she helped me for convincing my daughter and thanks to her that I got wonderful lingerie for myself too.

We came home and I was super excited that my daughter is wearing her first bra. In the evening when her dad came home, I told him about it and asked Ayesha to show him. As I discussed in my previous parts of the story, being naked is quite common in her home so as per my suggestion she came out of her a room in lingerie only to show her dad. And I was keenly observing in my hubby’s reaction. He was happy to see his daughter growing up but simultaneously I could see male lust in his eyes. It was a little surprising to me but I didn’t pay much attention to it.We celebrated her first bra day. We went to a restaurant and had dinner and had a lot of fun.

Soon my daughter had her first period. I had told her in advance that you will have periods very soon. It is natural. Don’t get scared etc. and in fact I had to tell her to satisfy her curiosity about the TV advertisement of sanitary napkins. I remember that morning when she rushed to me, I saw her panties was with full of blood. I dried it up and told her that it’s a natural process and it will come every month. So there is nothing to worry, in a few months you will get very used to it. So you just don’t worry.

I’ve always preferred that my daughter always ask for her doubts to me then her friends. That’s why I give her that confidence and atmosphere in home that for every problem she approaches me first rather than anybody else because otherwise anyone else can be misguided but she can get perfect education from me.

I have realized that along with her growth I have to change my behavior towards her. She is no more a kid now. She is into her teenage and I know we all have experienced how the hormones change in this period. She gets little aggressive sometimes and sometimes stubborn too but for me it was very normal. She needed proper guidance and moral support and I did my best to provide her

Honestly, I wasn’t that much desperate to give her sex education instead I wanted her to know it as and when she needed it. One such incident happened soon after her first periods. I used to bathe her on every Sunday just to see her physical growth and to clean her well like shampoo her, wash her back etc. She really liked it because on Sundays there is no hurry of school and she liked to be cleaned properly and yes, I also get completely naked while bathing her just to avoid my clothes getting wet n to promote nudity as well.

On one such bathing session, I saw she got pubic hairs. Her first response was “awww.. Mumma I don’t like it.”

It was quite natural because she has always seen me clean shaved. My hubby likes me clean shaved so I clean it every third day. Let me share an interesting incident with you people.

once he was out of town for a week and he returned within four days instead of a week, since he wasn’t there for a week so I got little lazy to clean myself and I thought I would do it on the eve of his arrival but he surprised me and whenever he comes back from a tour, he comes with a gift for me and Ayesha and an intense sex drive.

So he came by 11 p.m. and I had no time to clean myself. As expected he plunged into me for love and we kissed a lot, then he played with my breasts and the moment he saw my pubic hair, he got furious on me.

I tried to convince him but I had broken the rule of cleaning myself on the third day. So I got the punishment. He fucked me very brutally that night and I received more than fifty spanks on my butts and with each spank I had to say “thank you”. My butts got so red at the time that for a few days it was hard for me even to sit. Later on he licked by butts and gave ice massage on the butts which was quite soothing and erotic as well. So from then onwards I was very punctual in cleaning my pubic hair.

I saw Ayesha got pubic hair and as it happens with everybody since it was her first time it was little reddish in colour instead of black. So I told her, “my child, again like your periods it is very natural. Don’t worry”

But mamma I don’t like it, I don’t want it”

“Don’t worry it will be cleaned. Just relax.. we will get it cleaned.”

I took her to the mirror and showed it and said that it is just the symbol that you are entering into your puberty so there is nothing to worry instead you should feel proud, then we moved to bathroom there in I applied hair removing cream on her vagina and soon it was absolutely clean. During this process I taught her how to do it, so that in future she can do it on her own.

After she got cleaned I took her to the mirror again and there she was quite happy to see herself absolutely cleaned.She looked sexier I told her just watch yourself in the mirror. Enjoy yourself. You are very beautiful. (I deliberately didn’t use the word sexy in front of her) I left her alone. She spent some time in front of the mirror naked just to know her body more and she was very happy and so was I.

Keep reading the journey is on and give your feedback on [email protected]

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